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Getting to grips with GCSE English. Most students will take 2 GCSEs English Language and English Literature.

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1 Getting to grips with GCSE English

2 Most students will take 2 GCSEs English Language and English Literature

3 Getting to grips with GCSE English Changes  Grades 9-1 replace A* - G  2 completely linear courses  Terminal exams in the summer of Y11  No coursework or controlled assessment  Speaking and listening certified separately  Closed book exams  VSSPAG

4 Getting to grips with GCSE English English Language9-1

5 Getting to grips with GCSE English Language Theme Lord of the Flies Animal Farm English Literature9-1 The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 1789- present day

6 Getting to grips with GCSE English Support How can I support my child?  Create time, peace and space  Read the set texts  Watch TV programmes/ DVDs of set texts  Ensure regular reading of quality broadsheet newspapers  Encourage reading for enjoyment  Check homework has been completed  Buy revision guides to support Literature texts  Encourage students to access ‘Moodle 2’ for resources  Don’t do the work for them. We learn best from mistakes and working out how to put things right.

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