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Higher Sports Coaching 2009/10 NAB 2 (Outcome 3).

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1 Higher Sports Coaching 2009/10 NAB 2 (Outcome 3)

2 Outcome 3 Explain the relationship between physical fitness, psychological factors and performance in a chosen sport. NAB Task: 1.Describe four basic fitness requirements for participating in a sport of your choice 2.Explain how the absence of one of the components identified would affect performance

3 Outcome 3 3.As well as physical factors affecting performance, the coach must also consider the effect of psychological factors on sports performance. The lists below outline these factors. Select two factors from each list and explain how the factors could affect performance. Your explanation should outline both positive and negative effects on performance. List AList B MotivationArousal Attention FocusStress Decision MakingAnxiety

4 Types of Fitness There are 3 types of fitness: 1.Physical Fitness 2.Skill-Related Fitness 3.Mental Fitness *Quick Brainstorm – list aspects from each

5 Description of important aspect of physical fitness in hockey: Cardio-Respiratory Endurance (CRE) is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply the body with oxygen for a prolonged period of time. This is vital in hockey as games last for 70 minutes and in some situations can last longer. It is important for midfielders for the following reasons: To have the ability to continue running at a variety of speeds for the duration of the game to keep up with play To provide support in attack and defence To cover large areas of the pitch throughout the game To produce short bursts of speed to help create an overload in attack even in the later stages of games To produce short bursts of speed to get back and cover in defence even in the later stages of games To prevent the onset of fatigue for as long as possible in a game by utilising anaerobic pathways for longer

6 Task 1 (to be completed next week): Select a sport of your choice: Identify 4 aspects of physical and skill-related fitness you feel are important in your chosen sport. Give a definition for the aspect chosen and a detailed explanation as to why it is important. Always discuss in positive terms i.e. “having high levels of CRE allows me to…..” As opposed to “Having poor CRE means I am unable to…..”

7 Task 2 (to be completed next week): For 1 of the components identified in part 1 state how the absence of it would affect performance. This time you can discuss in the negative but try to make it different to what you have written on part 1. Do not just state the same things but say “you will be unable to…..”

8 Psychological Factors

9 Mental Aspects of Fitness Determination The desire to succeed Important when: Attempting to win a 50:50 ball Attempting to reach a ball that is running out of play Fatigue sets in and you must continue to maintain a high level of performance Triathlon example

10 Mental Aspects of Fitness Motivation What drives a performer to improve and succeed It can be internal or external. Important when: Training in poor conditions Training when tired Training when practice is repetitive Motivation clip

11 Mental Aspects of Fitness Levels of Arousal Relationship Between Arousal and Performance What can affect levels of arousal?

12 Levels of Arousal Can be affected by: Stress Anxiety Motivation Determination

13 Arousal Negative affects of over-arousal – John McEnroe? Negative affects of under-arousal – Carlton Cole? Positive affects of over-arousal – Usain Bolt? Positive affects of under-arousal – Catriona Morrison?

14 Levels of Arousal What can this affect? -Decision making -Attention focus -Fitness -Anticipation -Timing -Aggression

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