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Captain Isabelle Landry

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1 Captain Isabelle Landry
Specialist Recruiter for the Health Services Canadian Armed Forces Medical Officer Presentation Presentation

2 Medical Officer Entry Standards
2 Entry Plans to produce Medical Officers: DEO (Direct Entry) (General Duty Medical Officers (GDMO)/Family Physicians/Specialists) License: Current unrestricted license to practice medicine as a physician in any province/territory of Canada. THIS IS A MUST Experience: Actively practiced primary care/family medicine within the past 4 yrs for a total period of at least 6 months. ACE (Age/Citizenship/Education) MOTP (medical students and family medicine residents) Medical School: Admission in a recognized Canadian University Medical program Leadership: Above Average Officer Like qualities

3 MOTP (Medical Officer Training Plan)
100% paid tuition for all of your medical training (Med school and Residence); Books and required school supplies are paid for by the military; Receive a monthly paycheck while attending school; Full medical and dental coverage; All of your schooling time is pensionable; Potentially receive a Post Living Differential (PLD), if you qualify and are attending school in a high cost of living city (for example Toronto), the CAF could pay you an additional monthly allowance, but there are no guarantees; Paid vacation: 20 working days of annual vacation leave until the completion of 5 years of service. After, it increases to 25 per year. In addition you are also entitled to statutory holidays and Special Leave for Christmas. Various domestic travel and family-care related benefits to compensate you when you travel, become separated from your family and/or to assist you in compassionate situations.  Your job is to go to school!!

4 Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS)
CaRMS is a national, not-for profit, fee-for-service organization that facilitates the process of entering postgraduate medical training. It uses a reliable process to match medical students with medical residency positions across Canada. 3700 applicants each year are matched to postgraduate medical training positions (through CaRMS). Encompasses all 17 Canadian medical schools. (This is open to all graduating students who have no prior postgraduate training in Canada/U.S. and also open to IMGs.) *Advantage of coming in under the MOTP Entry Plan is that CaRMS will place you automatically into a Residency position (arrangement between CaRMS/CAF) If they come under MOTP and MMTP, then under Carm they automatically get a residency position (arrangment between CaRMS and the CF)*******

5 Training Regardless of the Entry Plan, all Medical Officers (MO) must complete this training: Basic Military Officer Qualification (BMOQ) Focuses on honing the necessary leadership skills required of officers. In addition to rigorous fitness training, it confirms that each candidate has the leadership potential, motivation and ability to lead in a military environment. 14 weeks or 4-6 weeks, in St- Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC. Basic Medical Officer Course (BMOC) Introduced to organizational structure and history of CF Medical Service and the unique circumstances of military medicine, 4 weeks in Borden, ON. Health Services Operation and Staff officer Course (HSO SOC) Officer development and field portion. All Health Services Officers attend this course, 6 weeks in Borden, ON.



8 What will I do? - Very similar to that of civilian family physicians, but with emphasis on some particular areas of primary health care, such as: - health promotion, - occupational health, - sports medicine, - mental health. - CAF physicians receive specialized training and have advanced clinical skills and knowledge in a number of areas outside of primary care, such as: - emergency/trauma medicine - operational medicine – which includes aviation, diving and submarine medicine. - CAF physicians work a certain amount of hours in civilian tertiary care facilities in order to maintain and enhance their full clinical set. There is a Maintenance of Clinical Readiness Program (MCRP) which dedicates protected time for these clinical training opportunities.

9 Where Will I Work? Military Clinic/Hospital within Canada DART Team
Field Amb/Hospital Mission Overseas DART Team With Search & Rescue Canadian Ship

10 Professional Development Opportunities
Master’s Degree in: Aviation medicine, Diving medicine, Public Health or Occupational Health Leadership Training CCFP(Emergency Medicine) Flight Surgeon * Submarine Medicine * Second Language Training All General Duty Medical Officers have to take the basic flight surgeon and submarine medicine courses within first 4 years. (They are both 2-week courses and focus on the physiological aspects)

11 Professional Development Opportunities
After 3-4 years of solid performance, CAF Family Physicians can apply for the opportunity to undertake a 4 to 6 year Specialized Medical Residence training program Specialty Training: Orthopedics Anesthesiology Psychiatry General Surgery Radiology Internal Medicine Practicing Specialists (DEO): (we do not sponsor Specialist Residents) Unrestricted license to practice in Canada Licensing under the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Clinical currency and relevancy

12 Ranks/Promotions DEO: (already licensed)
You are enrolled in the rank of Officer Cadet (OCdt) and commissioned right away in the rank of Captain (Capt) and then you go on to your BMOQ training. You will have an actual “promotion” parade upon graduation of the BMOQ. MOTP: (subsidized education) You are enrolled in the rank of Officer Cadet (OCdt) and commissioned right away in the rank of Second Lieutenant (2Lt) effective on the date of enrollment. Therefore you are a 2Lt while in school; Once you have completed your Degree of Medicine, you will get promoted to Lieutenant (Lt) effective on the date of commencement of postgraduate training (residency) for family medicine certification; Once you have completed you Residency, been licensed as a Physician and have successfully completed BMOQ, you will be promoted to the rank of Captain (Capt).

13 Lieutenant-Colonel (Specialist)
Salary Rank Pay Level Pay Increment Basic Pay Incr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pay Incr 10 Yearly Salary Second Lieutenant Med School 4163 4489 4822 $49,956 Lieutenant Residency 5152 5484 $61,824 Captain Licensed BMOQ / DEO 10721 12287 12904 13552 14559 14986 15413 $128,652 Major 15839 16265 16692 $179,832 Major (Specialist) 17983 18496 19007 19518 20030 $215,796 Lieutenant-Colonel 17220 18094 19115 20105 Lieutenant-Colonel (Specialist) 21242 22196 23162 24126 Colonel 17988 19045 20106 21170 Colonel (Specialist) 21586 22854 24127 25404 There is also a $20,000 “incentive”, a supplement, paid out once a year to licensed MOs.

14 5 Best Things about being a Physician in the CAF
1. Team-based Care: work in close collaboration with civilian family physicians and specialists, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Physician Assistants, Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Mental Health professionals and other clinicians. 2. More Time with Patients: CAF Family Physicians only see about patients per day, therefore can spend more quality time with their patients, and use this additional time to collaborate and learn from more experienced colleagues. 3. High Quality Health Care Services: CAF members receive a spectrum of care that is normally equivalent to what the most generous provincial or other federal government program would provide in the same area. 4. Getting Out of the Office: you get to take a regular break from your office as a part of your job, either to visit the local base operations or to do regular shifts in the local civilian hospital ER to enhance your spectrum of acute care, geriatric and pediatric skills. 5. Continuing Professional Development: CAF Physicians have the opportunity to enhance their medical skills in a wide variety of areas while receiving full CAF sponsorship.

15 Personal Benefits of a career in the CAF
Education Scholarship Travel Emphasis on sports and fitness Relocation benefits/parental leave Government pension plan 4/5 weeks paid annual holidays Continuing professional education (5 days, $2000/year) Quality of Life (no call shifts, weekends off, hrs) Competitive salary (no overhead costs)

16 So… What’s the Catch? Medical Students:
Medical students who join must commit to doing Family Medicine Residency. Obligatory Service: You must do up to four years of service in the CAF beginning after completion of your Residency Training. Basic Training: Basic Training is a requirement of any member joining the CAF. It is not as scary or difficult as it seems in movies; nevertheless, you should be physically fit prior to attending. Posting to a Base: Although the CAF tries very hard to post you to a Base where you would like to go, CAF requirements take precedence and so you may not be posted to your desired location. Deployments: It is likely that you’ll be deployed at least once on a mission during your initial contract. You don’t always get to pick your deployment, and sometimes it happens on short notice. However, while deployed, you may have a chance to work with the local health care establishments and organizations and with Doctors Without Borders.

17 Contract / Terms of Service
MOTP: * Obligatory Service: - If we subsidize a MOTP student for less than 46 months (they owe 36 months / 3 years) - If we subsidize a MOTP student for more than 46 months (they owe 48 month / 4 years) DEO: 12 Years 4 Years Med School 2 Years Residency 4 Years Obligatory Service * 2 Years 5 Years

18 Contact Information Captain Isabelle Landry Specialist Recruiter Health Services – West ext.2895 700 6th Ave SW (Bantrel Tower) Calgary, AB

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