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South Africa’s relations with the G8 - a preview of the Genoa Summit Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs by Mr AS Minty 6 June 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "South Africa’s relations with the G8 - a preview of the Genoa Summit Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs by Mr AS Minty 6 June 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Africa’s relations with the G8 - a preview of the Genoa Summit Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs by Mr AS Minty 6 June 2001

2 Introduction Importance of the G8 Informal grouping Interaction with developing countries –NAM interaction with G8 and EU at UN –NAM Chair letter to President of G8 –NAM Foreign Ministers meeting with G8 President, prior to Summit

3 Introduction (cont.) –Cologne - NAM Troika breakfast with G8 Foreign Ministers –Repeated in Okinawa –Reply from President of G8

4 Key issues for the South Development / poverty reduction Debt Reform of institutions of global governance Conflict Prevention Disarmament

5 Key issues for the South (cont.) Health Education Digital Divide Women and Children Literacy Water

6 Mandates OAU mandate regarding Africa’s debt - Presidents of Algeria and South Africa South Summit mandated Chair of South Summit and Chair of NAM to engage G8 and others OAU Togo - mandate to 3 Heads to work on MAP

7 The G8 Okinawa Summit - June 2000 NAM Foreign Ministers met with G8 Foreign Ministers Interaction between Heads of State/Government of G8 and developing countries Unprecedented focus on development issues

8 G8 Okinawa Summit (cont.) Major initiatives regarding the following: –Health (Infectious Diseases Initiative) - commitment to reduce the number of young people with HIV by 25%, by the year 2010 –Education (funding commitment) –Conflict prevention –Digital Divide (DOT Force)

9 G8 Okinawa Summit (cont.) Communique ( September 2000 (United Nations) - Japanese PM invited 3 Presidents to a meeting - follow-up on Summit

10 UN Millennium Summit Progress at Okinawa facilitated endorsement of Millennium Declaration Millennium Declaration, Chapter VII: –We will support the consolidation of democracy in Africa and assist Africans in their struggle for lasting peace, poverty eradication and sustainable development, thereby bringing Africa into the mainstream of the world economy.

11 UN Millennium Summit (cont.) –Resolved to - give full support to the political and institutional structures of emerging democracies in Africa. -encourage and sustain regional and subregional mechanisms for preventing conflict and promoting political stability, and to ensure a reliable flow of resources for peacekeeping operations on the continent.

12 UN Millennium Summit (cont.) -Take special measures to address the challenges of poverty eradication and sustainable development in Africa, including debt cancellation, improved market access, enhanced Official Development Assistance (ODA), and increased flows of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as well as transfers of technology.

13 UN Millennium Summit (cont.) Help Africa build up its capacity to tackle the spread of HIV/AIDS pandemic and other infectious diseases. International Development Targets (including halving poverty by 2015) endorsed by UN and G8

14 G8 Genoa Summit NAM Chair’s letter to be conveyed by Foreign Ministers Dialogue with developing countries expected to continue Question regarding representation of the South

15 G8 Genoa Summit (cont.) Change in Italian Government Focus on three themes –Poverty reduction Italian Presidency document Beyond Debt Relief - calls for opening of markets, attention to attracting private investment, and targeted aid for health and education Proposed establishment of Global Health Fund

16 G8 Genoa Summit (cont.) –The Global Environment Kyoto Protocol Johannesburg 2002 –Conflict Prevention Focus areas –Small Arms and Light Weapons –Conflict and Development –Illicit Trade in Diamonds –Children in Armed Conflict –International Civil Police –Women and conflict –Corporate responsibility

17 G8 Genoa Summit (cont.) Other key issues –WTO - positive positions of EU, Canada and Japan. US Administration in favour of trade liberalisation - extent of sensitivity to developing country concerns not clear –Debt relief - 22 countries have qualified in terms of HIPC –Debts to G8 countries to be forgiven (debts to IMF and World Bank not)

18 G8 Genoa Summit (cont.) Other key issues (cont.) –Reform of the international financial architecture (IFA)

19 Conclusion Interaction with G8 : determine who represents developing countries Format for interaction at Head of State/Government level needs to be clarified G8’s key role regarding MAP President Mbeki’s interaction with individual G8 leaders

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