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Ocean Exploration 8 th Grade Science. WARM UP: Update your Table of Contents Write your homework and leave it out to be stamped Get your Vocab cards out.

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Exploration 8 th Grade Science. WARM UP: Update your Table of Contents Write your homework and leave it out to be stamped Get your Vocab cards out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Exploration 8 th Grade Science

2 WARM UP: Update your Table of Contents Write your homework and leave it out to be stamped Get your Vocab cards out to be checked Use your phone to Google a fact about the ocean DateSession # ActivityPage # 11/1327Ocean Exploration Notes41

3 Ocean Exploration is difficult, so what do we know for sure?

4 We know that… The deepest part of the ocean is in the Marianas Trench at 36,198 feet deep.

5 We know that… The Mid-Ocean Ridge system is 40,000 miles long.

6 We know that… There are about 30,000 active and inactive underwater volcanoes.

7 We know that… The largest coral reef is 1,243 miles long off the coast of Australia…The Great Barrier Reef

8 What Else? Student Google Facts

9 We know that… There are many challenges and benefits to ocean exploration!

10 What are the challenges and benefits to exploring the deep ocean? BRAIN DUMP! Challenges:Benefits:

11 Main Challenges: It’s COLD ! The temperature of almost all of the deep ocean is only a few degrees above freezing, 39  F. It’s DARK ! Humans can no longer see light under 1600 feet. High Pressure ! The pressure is over 8 tons per square inch or the equivalent of an average person holding up 50 jumbo jets!!!

12 Main Benefits: Discovering the forces that drive our planet including natural disasters! Discovering new resources! Discovering new life forms!



15 Remote Sensing: Allows scientists to use satellites to monitor all areas of Earth

16 Global Positioning System (GPS) Uses satellites to pinpoint locations on Earth

17 Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) Are underwater robots that are operated by people on a boat

18 SONAR A system that uses sound waves to measure distances and locate objects

19 Put it all together! OCEAN EXPLORATION With Robert Ballard rd_on_exploring_the_oceans.html

20 Short Response We know more about other planets than we do the deep ocean. What is chemosynthesis?

21 Classwork/Homework Return to Titanic

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