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1 The key to unlock a quality library Marvin Partners in Learning Marvin Bridging the digital divide Positive progress in student learning Engaging students.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The key to unlock a quality library Marvin Partners in Learning Marvin Bridging the digital divide Positive progress in student learning Engaging students."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The key to unlock a quality library Marvin Partners in Learning Marvin Bridging the digital divide Positive progress in student learning Engaging students

2 2 Why collaborate? Research based Proven high level management advantage Empower, build shared knowledge, team building Premier Nathan Rees

3 3 C Change agent O utcomes being achieved L ean on Quality Teaching elements L ittle by little A ccentuate the things you can do that teachers can’t. B e enthusiastic with new learning O rganise the learning steps R ead professional journals, listservs, conferences A pplaud small steps T alk the talk E ventually it will happen COLLABORATE

4 4 What do Teacher librarians have to offer? Information specialist: Learning styles Note taking edna nswtl/oztlnet networks Book Raps Resource specialist: Catalogue Weblinks TaLE / TLF Bookmarks/Favourites ALEA PETA ASLA CEG ICT specialist: IWBs Intel program CEG ICT days conferences Quest Atlantis

5 5 Forever Forever Young individual missing out on exemplary collaborative dialogue & partnerships Leading Learning through Collaboration

6 6 Begin the collaboration The influence incident When have you exerted influence? Who influences you?

7 7 The collaborative partnership Teacher Librarian Collaborate Meet plan Suggest resources Suggest explicit steps activities Suggest direction after consideration Keep the info skills structure Define, ( in their own words) Locate Guide Note taking Create ICT template, hyperlinks, set up technology Teacher Outline curriculum unit show outcomes Discuss weekly class program so TL can support classroom learning Scribe Bring writing materials Arrange students seating plan Share in instructional advice Give background info on class Take 1 group Follow up in class where appropriate

8 8 Shine in Connected Classrooms Stand out in IWB use Learn both platforms Put the pedagogy first Provide useful tutorials & bookmarks Use Information Literate search engines – KidCyber, KidsClick, Mooter

9 9 Obstacles Collaborate with: supportive staff your School Library Committee Like minded networks

10 10 Collaborative planning: great lessons, great resources

11 11 Primary Connections from Australian Academy of Science Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate

12 12 Top Tips from Doug Johnson Be the teacher first, librarian second. You can’t please all the people all the time. TL Collaboration survey

13 13 Optimism “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

14 14 References References Feel free to contact me

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