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Student Loans Giovney Mede 1. Class of 2013 graduates average $35,200 in total debt 2. Where student loans are most delinquent 3. Student debt delays spending,

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Presentation on theme: "Student Loans Giovney Mede 1. Class of 2013 graduates average $35,200 in total debt 2. Where student loans are most delinquent 3. Student debt delays spending,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Loans Giovney Mede 1. Class of 2013 graduates average $35,200 in total debt 2. Where student loans are most delinquent 3. Student debt delays spending, saving and marriage

2 In the United States students that are graduating this year have an average of $35,200 in total college debt. The graduates also have government loans that total on average about $26,000, it goes $19,000 for private loans, $13,000 for family and personal loans. Also graduating students can have an average of $3,000 in credit card debt. In 2011, 25% of students said that they would have done things differently such as find ways to save more and spend less while at school.In 2013, that has jumped to 39%. College Graduates of 2013

3 The debt does continue to grow reaching over $1 trillion dollars nationwide. One in every five households have people that still have college debt. The average debt since last year has reach a new high of $26,600. Student debt delays spending, saving and marriage

4 Delinquent-Late delinquent-student-loans/?iid=EL delinquent-student-loans/?iid=EL Can anyone guess what is the percentage of people in Rhode Island that are late with student loan payments? Where student loans are most delinquent

5 Always make sure to pay your student loans on time because student loans is one of the factors that can ruin your credit score. In class we learned that to have a good credit score you have to make all your payments if you want to qualify for a home, car etc. What can you do?

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