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1 Roaming Honeypots for Mitigating Service-Level Denial-of-Service Attacks Written by: Sherif M. Khattab Chatree Sangpachatanarukz Daniel Mossé Rami Melhem.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Roaming Honeypots for Mitigating Service-Level Denial-of-Service Attacks Written by: Sherif M. Khattab Chatree Sangpachatanarukz Daniel Mossé Rami Melhem."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Roaming Honeypots for Mitigating Service-Level Denial-of-Service Attacks Written by: Sherif M. Khattab Chatree Sangpachatanarukz Daniel Mossé Rami Melhem Taieb Znati Presented by: Theodor Richardson Ani Starrenburg

2 2 Denial-of-Service Attacks: Links – exceeding link capacity Routers – congesting router buffers Front-Ends – consuming front-end processing with requests. Servers – requesting services at a high rate

3 3 Denial-of-Service Defenses: Replication – useful in protecting service front-ends Firewalls – strategy for prohibiting illegal flow of data Intrusion Detection Services – detection of tampering Honeypots – may be used for any number of purposes

4 4 Honeypots A security resource who’s value lies in being probed, attacked or compromised. Properties Environment:ProductionResearch Complexity:LowMediumHigh Purpose:DeceptionDeterrenceDetection Attacker Profile:Script KiddieProfessional Blackhat

5 5 Roaming Honeypot Properties Properties Environment:Production Complexity:LowMedium Purpose:DeceptionDeterrenceDetection Attacker Profile:Script Kiddie + …A mechanism that allows the locations of honeypots to be unpredictable, continuously- changing and disguised within a server pool

6 6 Proactive Server Roaming Background: Back-End Servers FirewallClients Attacker Idle Servers One Active Server Firewall

7 7 Proactive Server Roaming Background One server is active. At end of Epoch E i of duration R i server S i assumes role of active server. Client must store information locally Service must track and process legitimate users.

8 8 Proactive Server Roaming Background Backward chain of hashed keys K i is built where (0<i<n) R i = MSB m (H’(K i )) S i = servers MSB  lg N  H’’(K i ))

9 9 Roaming Honeypots: AGN Back-End Servers FirewallClients Attacker Honeypots & Active Servers Firewall

10 10 Roaming Honeypots Uses similar selection algorithms  selects for each in a set of servers  introduces a lower bound, m, on the epoch Uses k out of N servers as active servers, the remainder of which are honeypots Offloads processing from client and server to Access Gateway

11 11 Roaming Honeypot Properties Properties Environment:Production Complexity:LowMedium Purpose:DeceptionDeterrenceDetection Attacker Profile:Script Kiddie + Attack Type:Fixed TargetFollower Benefits:Filtering Effect Connection-Dropping Effect Degrading Attack Detection

12 12 Service Model Subscription-based service Protection of a pool of N back-end servers Packet-filtering firewall and IDS deployed AGN as layer of indirection

13 13 Access Gateway Network Provides level of indirection between client and back-end server Decouples authentication and authorization from service provision Only AGN follows server locations and status – forwards client packets Roaming scheme is transparent to client

14 14 AGN Structure Back-end server is considered tree root AG’s with higher resistance to attacks and lower reconfiguration rates are closer to the back-end servers (lower in the tree) AG is responsible for address registration and parent registration AG’s closest to root handle connection migration

15 15 AGN: Address Registration Each AG registers an tuple with the AG node responsible for storing addresses ID = (SID||L||Index)  SID is a service identifier  L is the level of the AG in the AGN  Index is the AG index within L

16 16 AGN: Parent Registration AG registers its IP address with its parent (the servers if at the root) AG uses (SID||L-1||Index(parent)) to lookup the parent Address Allows IP routing for migration messages

17 17 AGN: Connection Migration AG forwards traffic client C messages to server Si When servers change from active to inactive, AG chooses new Sj at random for client C AG re-registers with parent Sj AG encapsulates state information from Si and forwards to Sj in TCP SYN package

18 18 Roaming Protocol For a single active server:  Service time is divided into epochs – random intervals of activity/inactivity for servers  Length of epoch Ei is calculated by long hash chain Ri = H(Ki) where K is a random key and Ri is the number of seconds  Location of epoch Si = servers[MSB H’(Ki)] where MSB is Most Significant Bits of hash function H’ (such as MD5) Out of N servers, k are active at any time  Set of active servers is Pk(S)

19 19 Network Model AGN Back-End Servers FirewallClients Attacker Honeypot Active Server

20 20 Simulation Model Tested on the ns-2 Discrete event simulator aimed at network testing Simulates routing, TCP, and multicast protocol Supports wired and wireless networks

21 21 Simulation Model Tested under ns-2 simulation against Average Response Time (ART) is considered as primary metric Comparison of:  Nonroaming (Load Sharing)  Roaming w/o Filtering (Attacker traffic is not dropped)  Roaming w/ Filtering (Attacker traffic is dropped)

22 22 Effect of Migration Interval Restarting TCP must be balanced with migration interval timing to balance the overhead cost of re-establishing TCP with the new server set

23 23 Effect of Client Load Under small attack loads, the nonroaming scheme performs better because of the overhead of roaming

24 24 Effect of Attack Load Using filtering, the ART does not change as the attack load increases once the attacker is detected

25 25 Effect of Follow Delay In Roaming w/ Filter, clients experience an attack free window as the attacker experiences follow delay

26 26 Conclusions Strengths:  Under high attack load, roaming scheme performs better than load sharing  Undetectable honeypot locations  Transparent to client traffic

27 27 Conclusions Weaknesses:  Must balance TCP overhead of resetting connections  Wastes a large amount of server resources with inactivity (as honeypot)  Idea of logical roaming is underdeveloped in paper, but could save resources and reduce overhead

28 28 Conclusions Vulnerability remains that malicious code can be installed on legitimate servers Periodic reinstall suggested, but service can be compromised before reinstall if attack is sophisticated Violates property of honeypots that they should not adversely affect operation of standard service if compromised

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