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What does it all mean?. #1:What is a communist state?  A country whose leader has strong control over the economy and society as a whole.

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Presentation on theme: "What does it all mean?. #1:What is a communist state?  A country whose leader has strong control over the economy and society as a whole."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does it all mean?

2 #1:What is a communist state?  A country whose leader has strong control over the economy and society as a whole.

3 #2  In a communist state, such as North Korea, the is leader is often called a dictator.

4 #3  A dictator is a leader who rules a country with absolute power and usually by force.

5 #4 Identify 2 current dictators  Kim Jong Un (North Korea)  Raul Castro (Cuba)

6 #5 Identify 2 former dictators  Adolf Hitler (Germany)  Joseph Stalin (Russia)  Fidel Castro (Cuba)  Benito Mussolini (Italy)  Mae Zedong (China)

7 *#6  Dictators often seize control during chaotic and troubling times. Ex: Famine, high unemployment and weakened governments

8 #7  Citizens of troubled countries often look for those who offer possible solutions. These “leaders” gain control by telling people what they want to hear.

9 #8 Why are there so many dictators in underdeveloped regions? These regions often have a lot of poverty, disease and despair. The people are looking for a quick “fix”.

10 *#9 What is a Cult of Personality?  It refers to the excessive (extreme) hero- worshipping of a leader.

11 #10.  Dictators often use the media (i.e. newspapers, television and radio) to further their image.

12 #11. 4 ways dictators can create a Cult of Personality  1. Pictures displayed everywhere, including the homes of all citizens.  2. Billboards, statues and money.  3. They often name buildings after themselves.  4. They will write their own history as well.

13 #12.  The goal of creating this god like image is to maintain control.

14 #13.  Showing disrespect to dictators is usually a crime. By using the law to enforce their image dictators become all powerful leaders.

15 #14. Why are Cults of Personalities dangerous?  They can influence people to do horrible things. Ex: Hitler and the Holocaust

16 #15: What are civil liberties?  These are basic rights of citizens such as freedom of speech, press, assembly and religion.

17 #16  Dictators do not believe in civil liberties because they allow to much freedom.

18 #17: Dictators often impose and enforce their will by using what against the people.  1. education  2. the media  3. the military  4. laws

19 *#18: According to the passage, it was easy for dictators to come to power in former colonies because the people  had little experience with self-rule.

20 #19.  Moving from dictatorship to democracy is rare because the skills (such as organization and active participation) are complex and complicated.

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