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Equalities Research Ruth Whatling Social Justice Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Equalities Research Ruth Whatling Social Justice Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equalities Research Ruth Whatling Social Justice Analysis

2 Content Types of evidence Examples of relevant research Where to look / who to contact

3 Types of evidence Evidence reviews Interviews Focus groups Consultative techniques Evaluation methods Questionnaires / stand-alone surveys

4 Audits and reviews A gender audit of statistics Race and ethnic minorities in Scotland Tackling occupational segregation in Scotland Planning for a Scotland with an ageing population: the evidence base

5 Attitudes to Discrimination in Scotland 2006 Scottish Social Attitudes Survey National evidence –Incidence –Trends

6 Research sources Equality and Human Rights Commission research programme Scottish Government research pages website Equality groups – Stonewall Scotland, LGBT Youth, Inclusion Scotland etc… Communities of Practice for Local Government

7 Following up Equality and Human Rights Commission research programme: ault.aspx Communities of Practice for local government: Scottish Government research pages

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