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ATLAS Inner Detector MO_B 2013 to-date status 2014 approve budget H. Pernegger / Pixel PL & ID Resource Coordinator D. Robinson / SCT PL and ID PL A. Romaniouk.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS Inner Detector MO_B 2013 to-date status 2014 approve budget H. Pernegger / Pixel PL & ID Resource Coordinator D. Robinson / SCT PL and ID PL A. Romaniouk."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS Inner Detector MO_B 2013 to-date status 2014 approve budget H. Pernegger / Pixel PL & ID Resource Coordinator D. Robinson / SCT PL and ID PL A. Romaniouk / TRT PL 31/10/20131

2 2013 Budget 2231/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

3 Mid-year spending So-far spent about xx% of the budget Pixel L2 and SCT TX still to come Expenses to-date include much of 2013 manpower commitments 3331/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013 Balance 2013 IDPixelSCTTRTTotal Budget (kCHF) Budget carry- over from 2012 4210-94192 149 2013 Budget 673610637545 2465 Spent (31Oct 2013) 6744933535562076 Open 3910115238330 Remaining22638143208

4 Main Cost Drivers and LS1 activities LS1 scheduled work: Pixel : Integration of IBL and Pixel detector new Service Quarter Panel replacement and nSQP off-detector items (cables, power) ID: Installation of the new thermo-siphon C3F8 cooling system TRT: Address leak issue and consolidate gas system Consolidation of SCT readout: Order of new TX plug-ins and production of new BOC card. This consolidation of SCT readout is carried out with the current budget during the shutdown. The overall budget of the SCT is maintained at 637 kCHF 4431/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

5 Pixel nSQP and Connection All nSQPs are installed Sequence is –each nSQP is tested before and after installation –Connection of pipes and type 0 cables at PP0 –Testing of the full supply and readout chain  row by row verification of the functionality of the Pixel Package before it will be brought to the Pit From pit operation we had 92 /1744 modules that had issues Failures cleared by nSQP or type-0 cable repairs 531/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

6 Pixel nSQP mounting 631/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

7 Pixel today 731/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

8 Pixel status on surface after refurbishment as of 2013/10/17 1725 of 1744 modules are working, i.e. 99% B-layer impressive recovery 8 31/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

9 IBL Status IBL Module production is completed –Produced mainly from beginning of this year to September since the move to Panasonic flip chip –Total number 412 DC and 263 SC modules built in 12 batches IBL staves: 12 staves built so far –9 staves are in SR1 –3 staves in Geneva –Have material to built up to 18 staves (incl. reworked modules) –Produced staves essentially from ~May to now at rate of 50 DC fully accepted and 30 SC fully accepted modules/month –Test results in general good –However recently identified a problem with wire bonds (see later slide) 931/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

10 IBL Module test results Performance very good Noise ~120e- for planar and 125-140e- for 3D Dead channels 0.23% (3D-CNM), 0.47% (3D- FBK) and 0.32% (Planar CiS) 10 Noise distribution Breakdown voltage distribution Bad pixels/chip (batch 4-12) 1031/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

11 Module loading to staves Bare staves prepared with stave flex and tested Staves assembled with 12 DC and 8 SC modules per stave 117/10/2013 H. PerneggerAtlas week 1129/10/213 H. PerneggerPixel week

12 Observations Observe clear signs of corrosions on Wire bonds wing area and FE- bonds caused by water+catalyst (halogene) –White remanants, which are likely Al(OH)3 –Detected corroded Al bond wires directly on stave – confirmed through high-resolution images Detailed analysis of remnants and wires was carried out to understand cause of corrosion together with detailed dedicated tests on many samples IBL Stave task force investigates causes and remedies 12 31/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

13 Corrosion Based on the current understanding we deal with –Corrosion on bond wires (~1%-level distributed over ¼ to ½ of all chips) –Corrosion caused by condensation on stave with accelerating component somewhere on module (find significant amounts Cl, F, of yet unknown origin) Recovery plan –Build 8 more staves using existing, repaired or class-2 type components on the last staves –Clean and repair the existing affected staves (priority on less affected ones) –Consider to buy more components as backup (to be ordered now so that we can get them in-time) 1331/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

14 SCT DAQ Expansion 100kHz at  ~87 Maximum sustainable L1 rate as a function of pileup, 14TeV, 25ns FE  ROD 8176 data links ROD  ROS Existing 90 Slinks ROD  ROS With 128 Slinks and data compression ✗ 100kHz at  ~33 100kHz at  ~87 SCT adapt the existing DAQ system to cope with the high pileup conditions in Run2 90  128 RODs and BOCs Improved data compression on ROD Both FE and ROD bandwidth compatible with pileup close to 90 at 100kHz 1431/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

15 SCT New Optical Transmitters (TX) Currently installed VCSELs were operationally robust during 2012, but two significant issues developed which impact on future operation: 1.10% drop in optical power 2. Small but significant death rate Optical power (IPIN data) vs Date Number of deaths vs channel number SCT will move to commercially packaged optical array assemblies, back engineered to match the mechanical and connectivity constraints of the existing BOC hardware and fibres Installation scheduled for Spring/Summer 2014 1531/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

16 Consolidation of Pixel readout Pixel readout: During next run LHC will reach “beyond-design luminosity” which will lead to data rates for which the Pixel readout was not built. The beyond-design peak luminosity leads to saturation on backend electronics This caused pixel detector inefficiency already in Layer 2 and will later cause inefficiency on Layer 1 The saturation and resulting inefficiency is a function of Luminosity, L1A rate, hit rate per double column, error rate and number of FE- chip with hits 16 31/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

17 Pixel Readout The bandwidth between module and ROD depends on the layer: 160 Mb/s (2x80Mb/s) on two optical fibers for the B-layer 80 Mb/s on one fiber for layer 1 and disks 40 Mb/s on one fiber for layer 2 17... 16 FE.. 16 x 40 Mb/s FE/MCC links Col pairs EOC buffer and logic..9.. MCC..16.. ROD 40, 80 or 160 Mb/s MCC/ROD links MCC buffers ROD buffers 1731/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

18 Link occupancy at future luminosities Pixel readout link Link Occupancy for different luminosities : 7x10 33 at 50ns 1x10 34, 2x10 34 and 3x10 34 at 25ns MCC  ROD link occupancy at 75 and 100 KHz LVL1 rate: At and above 2x10 34 first Layer 2 will saturate, then followed by Layer 1 –Run 1 limitations at start of fill and due to ROD computing power limits when  >> design Priority for consolidation: Fix now Layer 2, followed later by Layer 1 18 31/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

19 Layer 2 limitations already in 2012 Observed already limitations during Run 1 at start of fill –Observe high number of desynchronized modules in Layer at start of fill. Decrease follows luminosity decrease 1931/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

20 Consolidation of Pixel readout Consolidation of Pixel Layer 2 readout system by using IBL ROD/BOC for Layer 2/1. –Bandwidth increase : –L2: from 40 Mb/s to 80 Mb/s on a single fibre –L1: from 80 Mb/s to 160 (2x 80) Mb/s on two fibres Usage of IBL boards for Pixel readout consolidation –Boards provide bandwidth and computing power safety margin also at high pileup –Adoption to Pixel can be done in firmware B-Layer and disks shall remain with present ROD/BOC –opto packages will need replacements Cost estimate based on IBL production number is 315 kCHF for Layer 2 consolidation 120kCHF included in 2013 MO_B budget Requested additional 70kCHF for 2014 and 100kCHF for 2015 which was approved in Oct RRB 20 31/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

21 This pipe should be repaired. Access outside is blocked. The only way to repair is from inside of the pipe. Pictures from inside of the PEEK pipes taken with Endoscope. A special tool was developed and All active pipes at the exit of the TRT ECs were replaced (including not leaking ones). However some leaks were in inaccessible areas. and only way to keep leaks under control is a modification of the TRT Active Gas System. TRT Gas system 2131/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

22 Modification of TRT Active Gas system Modification or replacement of different parts of the gas system to allow parallel operation with Argon Distribution racks in UX area which includes a remote control of the gas flows through individual gas supply lines (80 channels). Fully controlled Ar-mixer rack and analysis system to supply some parts of the TRT with Ar-mixture Distribution module for Ar mixture (UX area) direct supply (without circulation) of some parts of the TRT with Xe-mixture with detailed monitoring of the gas consumption Pressure control system in the gas return lines (USA area) Improvements for better stability 2231/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

23 Projection to end 2013 XX% of the budget spent to date; –Spending in 2014: Pixel consolidation of readout for Layer 2 component order –SCT order placed for Lightable VCSEL arrays for TX plug-ins and BOC cards and will be able to compensate negative carry-over of -94kCHF Integration of IBL and new Pixel services integration, the change of the ID C3F8 cooling system and the TRT leak fixes are the core activities of the LS1 shutdown. Those activities dominate the manpower expenses 2331/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

24 Budget for 2014 Budget numbers in kChF 24 EXPERIMENT: ATLAS request 2014 Subsystem: ID PixelSCTTRTIDGENTotal Mechanics00000 Gas-system 00700 Cryo-system00000 Cooling system00000 FE electronics (spares)00000 Standard electronics, PS (LV, HV)701154010235 Standard electronics, Crates3560500145 Standard electronics, RO Modules1301101535290 Controls, (DCS, DSS)102010545 Sub-Detector Spares00000 Areas SR-maintenance facility (buildup) 30000 SR-maintenance facility (operation) 302030120200 Testbeam and irradiation 30000 Systemtests 00000 Communications155819 Store Items2430 80164 Hired Manpower @ CERN (CHF)00000 Standard tasks 150177195215737 Special interventions 100 200500 TOTALS [kCHF] (excl. FTEs)6106375456732465 Technical Manpower [FTE], OTP48242730129 31/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

25 2015 and beyond For 2015 and beyond preserve a flat MO budget –Add IBL core electronics maintenance into 5% model of pixel. The readout of Layer 2/1 with IBL ROD/BOC will still contribute to 2015 expenses 2531/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013

26 Summary Present spending to date is Approved 100 kCHF IDGEN manpower increase for 2014 as the shutdown is now the full two years Request of additional 70+100 kCHF in 2014 and 2015 for electronics for Pixel readout consolidation was approved –This is consolidate the Layer 2 readout ready for Run-2 2631/10/2013 H. Pernegger / CERNID IB Oct 2013 Balance 2013 IDPixelSCTTRTTotal Budget (kCHF) Budget carry- over from 2012 4210-94192 149 2013 Budget 673610637545 2465 Spent (31Oct 2013) 6744933535562076 Open 3910115238330 Remaining22638143208

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