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Let ’ s chant. Tall, tall, who is tall? Short, short, who is short? Thin, thin, who is thin? Strong, strong, who is strong? Happy, happy, who is happy?

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Presentation on theme: "Let ’ s chant. Tall, tall, who is tall? Short, short, who is short? Thin, thin, who is thin? Strong, strong, who is strong? Happy, happy, who is happy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let ’ s chant. Tall, tall, who is tall? Short, short, who is short? Thin, thin, who is thin? Strong, strong, who is strong? Happy, happy, who is happy? You are tall. You are tall. You are tall. He is short. She is short. He is short. I ’ m thin. You ’ re thin. She is thin. He ’ s strong. She ’ s strong, They are strong. He ’ s happy. She ’ s happy. He ’ s happy. You ’ re happy. They ’ re happy. We are all happy.

2 初中英语第一册(下) Module5

3 riverhillseaisland coast river hill sea island coast

4 上海 east East Chin a 香 港 south South China

5 a busy city 1.5 kilometres long The Bund 上海外滩 Victoria Peak 香港太平山 554 meters high

6 million 百万 Beijing has 13 million people. population 人口 The population is 13 million.

7 population: 13 million Beijing is bigger than Shenzhen. It is older than Shenzhen. It is colder than Shenzhen. population: 10 million Shenzhen is smaller than Beijing. It is newer than Beijing. It is hotter than Beijing. Beijing Shenzhen It is busier than Shenzhen.

8 populationbigsmallhotcoolnewold Shanghai Hong Kong 13 7 Listen and fill in the table

9 Shanghai :  Population: 13 million Shanghai is bigger than Hong Kong. Shanghai is older than Hong Kong. It is newer than Shanghai. It is colder than Hong Kong. It is cooler than Hong Kong. It is hotter than Shanghai. It is warmer than Shanghai. Hong Kong is smaller than Shanghai. Hong Kong  Population:7million It is busier than Hong Kong.

10 The basketball ball is bigger than the football. The football is smaller than the basketball.

11 Jim is heavier than Lily. Lily is lighter than Jim. Jim/50kg Lily/40kg

12 big small cheap … melon


14 1. 形容词比较等级的构成 highbigheavy higherbiggerheavier 2. 用法 Beijing is bigger than Shenzhen.

15 Homework ▲ Page 47 Exercises 1 and 2 ▲ Page 48 Exercise 3 Read, guess and write See you!

16 The end Thanks 返回

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