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Mapsec Performance Management in Sweden Allan Gustafsson Seoul, March 18, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapsec Performance Management in Sweden Allan Gustafsson Seoul, March 18, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapsec Performance Management in Sweden Allan Gustafsson Seoul, March 18, 2004

2 Mapsec Features of Swedish government   50 % redistribution  Local government dominates government consumption 20 out 28 %  Small Ministries – numerous and independent agencies Only 2 % of all government employees in the Cabinet Offices

3 Mapsec Objective of PM  Effectiveness (Do the right thing)  Efficiency (Do things right)

4 Mapsec Ambit  Political culture, media  Parliamentary process  Interaction legislature – Government  External audit, research institutions  Internal processes in Cabinet Offices  Interaction Cabinet Offices – agencies  Internal processes in agencies  Interaction agencies – public

5 Mapsec Basic tenet regarding efficiency  Authority + accountability  efficiency

6 Mapsec Authority  Block appropriations  Carry-over & credit facilities  Authority over payments  Personnel  Premises  Own revenue  Accounting

7 Mapsec Accountability & responsibility Vis-à-vis government  Agency ordinance (general)  Agency specific instructions  Letter of appropriation Objectives and results indicators Ad hoc reporting requirements Finances  Statement of accounts and yearly report  Follow-up meeting with responsible minister  External audits  Evaluation of financial management

8 Mapsec Accountability & responsibility Vis-à-vis the public  Consumer choice  The Parliamentary Ombudsman  The media

9 Mapsec Effectiveness Not integral part of budget process  Committees  Cabinet Office working groups  Research institutes  Performance evaluations  Three-year proposals (abandoned)

10 Mapsec Accountability & responsibility Vis-à-vis the elected bodies  Agency statements of accounts and yearly report  Consolidated Government annual accounts

11 Mapsec Implementation  Drawn-out, piecemeal  Different champions  Initiatives from below  Inertia  Resistance

12 Mapsec Results  Greater efficiency – yes!  Greater effectiveness – ?

13 Mapsec Difficulties and issues  Willingness and capacity to reassess  Program structure  Definition and agreement on objectives and indicators  Financial and results reporting  Budget ≠ accounts  Monitoring and evaluation capacity  Integration into political process  Cross-institutional coordination and decision- making

14 Mapsec Performance budgeting

15 Mapsec Programmatic structure Objective Budget Outcome Cost Policy area Minstry AMinstry B Programme Sub-programme Strategy Objective Budget Outcome Cost Objective Budget Outcome Cost Objective Budget Output Cost Objective Budget Output Cost Objective Budget Output Cost

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