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Status for MTAC #123 Workgroup Service Information Needs, Reporting and Communication Channels.

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Presentation on theme: "Status for MTAC #123 Workgroup Service Information Needs, Reporting and Communication Channels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status for MTAC #123 Workgroup Service Information Needs, Reporting and Communication Channels

2 1. Provide both the USPS and the Industry with actionable data What exists today—PTS and Confirm subscribers Future--Intelligent Mail barcode system Commercial mail pilot Data being gathered, shared with participating mailers, USPS Limited report capability System limitations

3 1. Provide both the USPS and the Industry with actionable data (cont’d) Short Term solution: define data elements, business rules for exchange of data (including start and stop the clock); create common term glossary (words & definitions) Longer Term solution: define data elements, and prioritize report elements, for outputs from the Intelligent Mail barcode system

4 2. Determine data availability…and ensure clarity of definitions of these data Short term: PTS and Confirm by subscription Provide Business Rules & Definitions Workgroup #114 and June 2008 Service Measurement document Long term: Intelligent Mail barcode system

5 3. Determine data elements and granularity to be shared Short term: PTS and Confirm Good progress with packages Info from previous workgroups Long term: Intelligent Mail barcode system Defining requirements

6 4. Determine communication channels for the USPS and Industry to alert each other of general problems…determine most effective and consistent communication channels for conveying status of resolution BSN workgroup Network communication source Define early warning system elements Create problem solving tool, process flow Revise their communication processes Service Standards matrix

7 Key Points Active participation by mailers, vendors, suppliers, all classes of mail Should achieve deadline

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