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African Centre for Statistics United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Session 2: Work Programme of UNECA Related to National Accounts Seminar on.

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Presentation on theme: "African Centre for Statistics United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Session 2: Work Programme of UNECA Related to National Accounts Seminar on."— Presentation transcript:

1 African Centre for Statistics United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Session 2: Work Programme of UNECA Related to National Accounts Seminar on the Implementation of the 2008 SNA in Africa 11-15 April 2011 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

2 African Centre for Statistics Technical Resources and Capacity of UNECA in National Accounts Senior Regional Advisor specialized in the area of NSDS, a key planning tool for the implementation of SNA in countries. Senior Regional Advisor working on Informal Sector Satellite Accounts & Employment Matrix to improve calculation and compilation of basic data for SNA. ECA-ACS Economic Statistics and National Accounts Section. ECA-ACS Data Management Team ready to support data collection, compilation, and dissemination for National Accounts and supporting economic statistics.

3 African Centre for Statistics The Role as an UN Regional Arm Coordinating, monitoring, and reporting the implementation of the 2008 SNA on the continent and regional level with a network with other UN agencies and partnership with member countries. Making assessment of the country situation and statistical development and evaluation of the impacts from moving to SNA 2008. Coordinating the development of statistical standards and settings; and Provide capacity building and technical assistance to Member States in the 2008 SNA and ICP-Africa 2011 National Accounts components.

4 African Centre for Statistics Work Programme: National Accounts For the year of 2011, the Work Programme includes three areas: –Normative work –Meetings and missions –Publications and dissemination

5 African Centre for Statistics Normative Work: ICP 2011 Reviewing related methodology and work procedure through –Internal “Informal Seminar Series” and –“Training for Trainers” Seminar on ICP National Accounts in May 2011 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Studying GDP-expenditure approach, SUT, commodity flow technique, and related data sources by contributing paper to the “ICP in Africa” Session in the IARIW-SSA Conference in Africa, September 28-October 1, 2011 Cape Town, South Africa. Participating and contributing to the ICP National Accounts Working Group (INAG) organized by the ICP Global Office.

6 African Centre for Statistics Normative Work: Regional Strategy & ProDoc Identifying and clarifying the roles and responsibilities of ECA-ACS in various components of the strategic lines. Designing and promoting ProDoc for organizing the implementation of SNA 2008 in Africa as a regional project. Establishing and applying a system/framework for evaluation/assessment of the current stage of developments in National Accounts and supporting statistics in African countries.

7 African Centre for Statistics Normative Work: Monitoring, Coordinating, & Reporting Establishing and applying a system/framework for monitoring, coordinating, and reporting of the implementation of SNA 2008 at the global, regional, and sub-regional levels. An evaluation study of the impacts on GDP, other major indicators, and related accounts from moving to SNA 2008. Preparatory activities for third session of the StatCom- Africa –AGNA of the StatCom-Africa –Steering committee Informal sector Group (StatCom-Africa)

8 African Centre for Statistics Meetings and Missions (I) Organizing Workshop on Environmental Statistics and Accounts (March 2011) Organizing Seminar on Implementation of SNA 2008: Strategic Framework and Implementation Programmes (April 2011) Organizing Workshop on Applying Supply and Use Table for Compiling GDP in Support of ICP-Africa 2011 (May 2011) Organizing Expert Group Meeting on Harmonization of Price Indices for Regional Integration (June 2011)

9 African Centre for Statistics Meetings and Missions (II) Organizing Workshop on the Use of Intra-African and Related Foreign Trade Statistics for Regional Integration (July 2011) Organizing Workshop on Classifications and Data Sources in Support of ICP-Africa 2011 (September 2011) Seminar on Implementation of SNA 2008: Classifications, Data Sources, and IT Infrastructure (November 2011) Workshop on the use of Labor input matrix for building satellite accounts on informal sector

10 African Centre for Statistics Meetings and Missions (III) Steering committee Development Accounts project on Informal sector (Inter-regional) Workshop for the Implementation of SEEA-Water and IRWS in Southern Africa AFCAS Meeting in November 2011, Addis Ababa Advisory services under Development Accounts for informal sector Participating in ICP-Africa 2011 Workshops Participating in ICP-Africa 2011 Joint Missions

11 African Centre for Statistics Publications & Dissemination Joint ECA/AfDB African Statistical Yearbook Compiling Compendium of Intra-African and Related Foreign Trade Statistics Disseminating information and organizing discussion through regularly updating the ACS website on the Economic Statistics and National Accounts domain Joint statistical pocketbook African Statistical Newsletter African Statistics Day

12 African Centre for Statistics United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Thank you Seminar on the Implementation of the 2008 SNA in Africa 11-15 April 2011 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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