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DRRS-N and SHARP Reporting While in Transition 1 January, 2016 UNCLASSIFIED.

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1 DRRS-N and SHARP Reporting While in Transition 1 January, 2016 UNCLASSIFIED

2 Provide awareness on the CNAF policy for DRRS-N reporting and flight logging in SHARP while squadrons are in transition to a new TMS If you have questions, or if your transition is not standard, call the TYCOM N40 Reps we can help you Purpose 2

3 UNCLASSIFIED Three phases of Transition  Initial (30 days prior to FRS period)  FRS Period  Safe for Flight/Second Shift Maintenance Readiness reporting is determined by transition phase, readiness expectations are determined by the Master Aviation Plan (MAP) Initial phase assumes the unit is complete with all surge requirements Assessing Red in DRRS-N/C5 in the Organization and Resource Section (OARS) essentially places a unit in a non-deployable, non tasking status Readiness Reporting Overview 3

4 UNCLASSIFIED Initial  TYCOM N40 provides readiness reporting guidance to the squadron  Unit assesses RED (N) in all METS, Capability Areas, and Core when all legacy aircraft have been transferred  Unit reports C5 in the DRRS-N OARS section FRS Phase  Squadron continues DRRS-N assessments every 30 days  Squadron shifts to the Mission Essential Task List (METL) for the new Aircraft and Type/Model Series (TMS)  TYCOM updates DRRS-N if a name/UIC change is required based on the Organization Change Request (OCR) effective date Second Shift of Maintenance Stood up  Suspend C5 reporting in the DRRS-N OARS section  Readiness in DRRS-N and SHARP will start to build over time DRRS-N Reporting Milestones 4

5 UNCLASSIFIED Initial  Unit continues to log flights in SHARP until all legacy aircraft are transferred from the squadron  Export squadron aircrew to the FRS SHARP database as they transfer FRS Period  Suspend T&R calculations in SHARP  Suspend submitting Current Readiness Assessments (CRA) in SHARP  Log flight data using FRS SHARP database  TYCOM will update the squadron SHARP database with the new TMS T&R matrix Safe for Flight Date  Import aircrew back into the updated squadron SHARP database or baseline aircrew in SHARP  Restart T&R calculations in SHARP  Restart submitting CRA submissions (every 15 days) SHARP Logging Milestones 5

6 UNCLASSIFIED CDR Nate “Dude” Ogle DRRS-N PM 757-836-8244 CDR Timothy “Tonto” Young T&R Lead 619-767- 7745 Mr Chris Soler DRRS-N Training and Policy (757) 836-8243 Mr Dan Scholtes SHARP Support (757) 270-0955 Contractor Support Leads Points of Contact 6


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