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Entrepreneurial Competences for School Leadership Teams Bucharest 4 th March 2015.

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1 Entrepreneurial Competences for School Leadership Teams Bucharest 4 th March 2015

2 Mobility Tool+ Web platform for reporting – access through ECAS, beneficiary registered via National Agency Managed by the national agency – Guidance document 76 pages Used for reporting for KA1, KA2 and KA3 Youth Users: – Beneficiary (Newcastle) entering data and updates (delegated to edEUcation) – National Agency monitoring – Participants (partners) – to be given access by Newcastle reports

3 Welcome Page

4 Home Page

5 Organisations

6 Editing contacts and giving access

7 Mobilities


9 Mobility Budget

10 Mobility Accreditation

11 Participant Reports After end date of mobility: – e-mail - – web-based questionnaire with different types of questions – single choice, multiple choices – matrix-type of questions – All responses collated

12 Budget

13 Interim and Final Reports last section of the Mobility Tool+ used to submit interim and final reports additional PDF file generated most of the content prefilled with the data entered including mobility reports asked series of questions concerning the implementation of your project reports submitted online

14 Entrepreneurial Competences for School Leadership Teams Bucharest 4 th March 2015

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