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Chapter 12 Psychosocial Development in Adolescence.

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2 Chapter 12 Psychosocial Development in Adolescence

3 Focus: Jackie Robinson, Baseball Legend  In 1947, became the first African American in the twentieth century to play major league baseball  Named Rookie of the Year, Most Valuable Player, and elected to Hall of Fame  Grew up in segregated society, with limited opportunities for black youth. As a teen, was part of a street gang  His talent and passion for athletics allowed him to channel his drive and rebellion against racism in a positive direction

4 The Search for Identity  Erikson: Identity versus Identity Confusion  Marcia’s Identity Status—Crisis and Commitment


6 The Search for Identity  Gender Differences in Identity Formation  Ethnic Factors in Identity Formation

7 Sexuality What determines sexual orientation? sexual orientation: Focus of consistent sexual, romantic, and affectionate interest, either heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual

8 Sexuality Sexual Behavior  Heterosexual Activity  Homosexual Identity and Behavior Sexual Risk Taking  Early Sexual Activity  Contraceptive Use  Where Do Teenagers Get Information about Sex?

9 Sexuality Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Teenage Pregnancy and Childbearing

10 Checkpoint: Can you… Checkpoint: Can you… Describe the most common STDs? Identify risk factors for developing an STF during adolescence, and discuss preventive methods? Summarize recent trends in teenage pregnancy and birthrates? Identify effective ways to prevent teenage pregnancy? Discuss problems and outcomes of teenage pregnancy?

11 Relationships with Family, Peers, and Adult Society Is Adolescent Rebellion a Myth? Changing Time Use and Changing Relationships

12 Relationships with Family, Peers, and Adult Society Adolescents and Parents  Conversation, Autonomy, and Conflict  Parenting Styles  Family Structure and Mothers’ Employment  Economic Stress

13 Relationships with Family, Peers, and Adult Society Adolescents and Siblings Adolescents and Peers  Popularity  Friendships

14 Adolescents in Trouble: Antisocial Behavior and Juvenile Delinquency What are the root causes of antisocial behavior and juvenile delinquency, and what can be done to reduce these and other risks of adolescence?

15 Window on the World Preventing Teenage Pregnancy

16 Digging Deeper The Youth Violence Epidemic

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