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Climate. Warm-up 10/21&22/2015 (10-12 minutes from the end of the announcements)  What are some characteristics that influence climate?  What are some.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate. Warm-up 10/21&22/2015 (10-12 minutes from the end of the announcements)  What are some characteristics that influence climate?  What are some."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate

2 Warm-up 10/21&22/2015 (10-12 minutes from the end of the announcements)  What are some characteristics that influence climate?  What are some elements of climates?

3 VOCABULARY  Climate- the weather conditions prevailing in an area or over a long period  Climate Region- An area of the world that has the same weather conditions prevailing over a long period of time.  Vegetation Region- Plants that grow in a specific area

4 Essential Questions  What are the common characteristics that define climate?  What are the elements that influence regional climatic patterns?  What vegetation is characteristic of key climatic zones?  Where do specific types of weather phenomena occur?  What effects do climate and weather phenomena have on people living in different regions?

5 Climate is defined by certain characteristics. Temperature Precipitation- Any type of rain/snow/sleet/hail that falls from the sky Seasons (hot/cold, wet/dry)

6 Climate patterns result from the interplay of common elements. Elements: 1.Influence of latitude 2. Influence of winds 3. Influence of elevation 4. Proximity to water 5.Influence of ocean currents

7 Climatic regions have distinctive vegetation. Vegetation regions 1. Rain forest 2.Savanna 3. Desert 4. Steppe 5. Middle latitude forests 6. Taiga 7. Tundra

8 Certain weather phenomena are unique to specific regions.  Weather phenomena  Monsoons: South and Southeast Asia Typhoons: Pacific Ocean Hurricanes: Atlantic Ocean Tornadoes: United States 1.a seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain (the wet monsoon ), or from the northeast between October and April (the dry monsoon ).

9 Climate and weather phenomena affect how people live in different regions.  Climate has an effect on crops clothing housing natural hazards.

10 Classwork Assignment  Research and define the seven different types of vegetation regions and four types weather phenomena.  List the locations where they can be found.

11 Warm up 10-23/26-2015 (10 minutes)  How does climate effect the following: 1.Crops 2.Clothing 3.Housing 4.Natural Hazards

12 Vocabulary  Environment- the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.  Natural hazards are severe and extreme weather and climate events that occur naturally in all parts of the world. Some regions are more vulnerable to certain hazards than others.  Erosion - A type of weathering in which surface soil and rock are worn away through the action of glaciers, water, and wind.  Deposition - process in which sediments, soil and rocks are added to a landform or land mass.  Ecological - the relation of humans to one another and to their physical surroundings.

13 Vocabulary Continues  Desertification- a relatively dry land region becomes increasingly arid, typically losing its bodies of water as well as vegetation and wildlife. Desertification can be caused by human activities or climate change. Deforestation- is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. Examples- Cities, Stores, parking lots, etc.

14 In class activity to add to your notes (15 minutes) How do the following physical and ecological processes influence the lives of humans? Respond in complete sentences 1.Earthquakes 2.Floods 3.Volcanic Eruptions 4.Erosion 5.Deposition

15 Human interaction with the environment Identify how humans influenced the following  Water diversion/management  – Aral Sea  – Colorado River  – Aswan High Dam  – Canals  – Reservoirs  – Irrigation  Landscape changes  – Agricultural terracing (e.g., in China, Southeast Asia)  – Polders (e.g., in The Netherlands)  – Deforestation (in Nepal, Brazil, Malaysia)  – Desertification (in Africa, Asia)

16 WARM UP Respond in complete sentences 1.What is acid rain? 2.What causes acid rain? 3.What is a side effect of acid rain? 4.Where is Chernobyl? 5.What happened there? 6.What are some side effects of radioactive exposure? 7.Are acid rain and Chernobyl an example of technology influencing the environment? Why? 8.Could Acid Rain or Chernobyl occur without technology?

17 Essential Question:  How has the use of technology expanded the ability of people to change and adapt to their environment?

18 Influence of Technology 1. Write one sentence for each technology bullet explaining how it allows humans to adapt to their environment.  Agriculture (e.g., fertilizers, mechanization)  Energy usage (e.g., fossil fuels, nuclear)  Transportation (e.g., road building, railways)  Automobiles (e.g., parking lots, suburbs)  Airplanes (e.g., airport expansion, noise)

19 Environmental impact on humans  Settlement patterns  Housing materials  Agricultural activity  Types of recreation  Transportation patterns

20 Classwork/Homework In Complete Sentences PROVIDE 5 examples of how technology: 1.Allows humans to adapt to the environment 2.Allows humans to influence the environment

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