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MOLD. “The earth is a moldy planet, and has been for over a billion years” “The earth is a moldy planet, and has been for over a billion years” Mac Pearce.

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Presentation on theme: "MOLD. “The earth is a moldy planet, and has been for over a billion years” “The earth is a moldy planet, and has been for over a billion years” Mac Pearce."— Presentation transcript:


2 “The earth is a moldy planet, and has been for over a billion years” “The earth is a moldy planet, and has been for over a billion years” Mac Pearce Mac Pearce “We humans share the planet with mold. They were here before us and will likely be here after us” Joe Lstiburek Joe Lstiburek

3 What is Mold? Mold is a fungus Like mushrooms, wood rot, yeast Mold is essential to life on earth The ultimate “recycler” Mold is everywhere We are exposed to it every day Mold spores are everywhere If conditions are right, it will grow


5 Health Effects of Mold Most people don’t seem to be effected by exposure Unless it’s a lot Some people seem to be much more sensitive Especially those with suppressed immune systems Very little hard data about risk Many kinds of mold Lots of variation in individuals

6 Mold’s Threat to Health Allergies Mild to Severe - From Inhalation or Direct Contact Infection Not common except in immune compromised people- Infants, Elderly Mucous Membrane and Nerve Irritation Irritation to membranes and sensations -Sensitized Reactions Headaches, nasal congestion, nausea and vomiting Toxicity Antibiotics and mycotoxins – Interfere with vital cellular processes protein, RNA, and DNA synthesis

7 To Grow, Mold Needs Food Moisture (above about 70%) Acceptable temperature range (about 40- 70) Molds can go dormant for years and begin growth again as conditions become favorable Much easier and cheaper to prevent rather than remediate

8 Mold Food Plant or animal matter Most of our building materials Mold especially likes pre-processed materials (likes plywood more than wood, fiber board more than plywood, paper more than fiber board) Doesn’t need much food ( even steel and glass is OK if dirty)

9 Common Indoor Molds Penicillium - fairly common Aspergillus - among most Toxic Stachybotrys - High moisture content, Acute symptoms and Death Spores have highest concentration of Mycotoxins (Even when they’re dead)

10 MYCOTOXIN is a toxin produced by an organism of the fungus kingdom, including mushrooms, molds, and is a toxin produced by an organism of the fungus kingdom, including mushrooms, molds, andfungusmushroomsmoldsfungusmushroomsmolds yeasts. yeasts.yeasts

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