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IETF Nominating Committee Chair Report Joel M. Halpern

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1 IETF Nominating Committee Chair Report Joel M. Halpern

2 Please Volunteer The IETF Nominating committee is the way that our leadership is selected These procedures were designed to enable the community to drive the leadership My job is to help the committee reach a decision; – The committee’s job is to reach a decision that is good for the IETF as a whole. To volunteer, email me using the format sent

3 What the NomCom does We will review the open positions We will review the provided job descriptions – And any alternatives provided by members of the community We will collect nominees for the positions – Yes, this is another place where we need capable, willing folks We will then select individuals The confirming bodies will either confirm, or disagree – In which case we will work with them to resolve this

4 And who am I? A rather too long time participant in this community I have worked in a number of areas; a sample of active participations – Routing: AD 1994-1998, ROLC, ForCES, – Ops: SNMPConf, Policy Framework – TSV: Diffserv – RAI: SIP, SIMPLE Currently working as a consultant

5 Status I have issued several calls for volunteers – And, as of 3pm Dublin time on July 30 2008, I have received 47 confirmed volunteers, 1 pending volunteers, and a few emails with insufficient information. – Will be sending out the current list shortly Volunteering closes August 18 I am working on updating the Nominating Committee web and tools pages

6 Dates and Data Volunteering closes August 18 Random seeds will be generated and available August 29 – Unless there is still a dispute about the pool – Using the same seed sources as last year (next slide) Nominating Committee expected to start work on September 8 Tight schedule thereafter to get nominees, questionnaires, feedback, and reach a decision for review

7 Seeds EuroMillions Friday August 29, 2008 Results: – – All 7 numbers (5 numbers from 1 - 50 and 2 Lucky Stars from 1 - 9) US National debt ("Debt Held by the Public"), published by the Treasury Department as of August 28, 2008 (Published on August 29, 2008) – – Last 8 digits, ignore the commas and periods US National debt ("Intragovernmental Holdings"), published by the Treasury Department as August 28, 2008 (Published on August 29, 2008) – – Last 8 digits, ignore the commas and periods Megamillions Lottery, Friday August 29, 2008 – – All 6 numbers (including the Mega Ball)

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