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Colombia Troy, Cecilie, Tejal. Geography Located in South America East of Venezuela and Brazil Southwest of Peru and Ecuador Varied from Andean Ranges.

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Presentation on theme: "Colombia Troy, Cecilie, Tejal. Geography Located in South America East of Venezuela and Brazil Southwest of Peru and Ecuador Varied from Andean Ranges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colombia Troy, Cecilie, Tejal

2 Geography Located in South America East of Venezuela and Brazil Southwest of Peru and Ecuador Varied from Andean Ranges in the north and South and jungle covered plains in the East

3 Society Modern Social Structure segregated into two groups: 1.White elite of educated, Cultured, rich and politically powerful persons Usually living in urban centers and particulary Bogota and highland cities 2. The mass of proletarians and peasants (Mestizo) Live in the highlands and some in the urban centers And then a smaller middle class of merchants and minor officials who have no real power

4 5 th largest country in Latin America 3 rd largest population ( 28 million) in the region 3/5ths was populated with tropical lowlands and jungle Dominant Language: Spanish Dominant Religion: Roman Catholic

5 Independence July 20, 1810 Prestige continued to be determined by birth and landownership Due to the lack of using their resources and their capital, the economic difficulties developed greatly therefore not allowing there to be a middle class There is a lack of transportation systems and a rugged terrain that makes traveling harder. Society Now: Colombia experiences one of the highest urbanization rates of Latin America. Still have little foreign influence an exchange or even immigration due after the impendence.

6 Economy Free market economy with major commercial and investment ties to the US Administration of President Cesar Gaviria initiated economic liberalization meaning tariff reductions, financial deregulation, privatization of state-owned enterprises and adopting a more liberal foreign exchange rate The above made eased import restrictions and opened most sectors to foreign investment, though agricultural products remained protected Another administration, the Uribe administration, sought to maintain sensible economic policies and pursued tough economic reforms this including tax, pension and budget reforms. USAID study shows that Columbian tax rates, personal as well as corporate, are among the highest in Latin America. Average unemployment rate for 2009 was 12%, down from 15.7% in 2002. Average annual economic growth rate of over 5% is a result of the increase in security, Meaning greater foreign investment: economic reforms in oil and gas sectors; sensible economic policy, and export growth fueled mainly by the ATPDEA. GDP growth in 2008 was 2.5%, expected to be zero for 2009 due to economic crash. ATPDEA extended through Dec. 2010 and this plays an important role in Colombia’s economic growth. Signing of U.S.-CTPA in Nov. 2006 provides greater opportunity for growth if approved by the US Congress and implemented. Five major industrial centers: Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla, and Bucaramanga, located in distinct geographical region. Industries include minding, hydrocarbons, textile and clothing, leather products, agribusiness, processed foods and beverages, plastic products, chemicals and petrochemicals, cement, construction, iron and steel products, and metalworking. Also tourism and information technology exports play a part in the Columbian economy. Colombia's diverse climate and topography allow the cultivation of a wide variety of crops. Products: Cacao, sugarcane, coconuts, bananas, plantains, rice, cotton, tobacco, cassava and most of the nation's beef cattle are produced in the hot regions from sea level to 1,000 meters elevation. The temperate regions--between 1,000 and 2,000 meters--are better suited for coffee, flowers, corn and other vegetables, pears, pineapples, and tomatoes. The cooler elevations--between 2,000 and 3,000 meters--produce wheat, barley, potatoes, cold-climate vegetables, flowers, dairy cattle and poultry. The US’ fourth-largest trading partner in Latin America behind Mexico, Brazil, and Venezuela and the largest agricultural export market in the hemisphere after the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) countries.

7 Economy U.S. exports to Colombia in 2009 were estimated at $9.45 billion, down 17% from the previous year. U.S. imports from Colombia are estimated to be $11.31 billion, down 19%. Major exports are petroleum, coffee, coal, nickel, cut flowers, and bananas. The US is Colombia's largest trading partner, representing about 37% of Colombia's exports and 28% of its imports Has considerable mineral and energy resources, especially coal and natural gas reserves. Had 1.36 billion barrels of proven crude oil reserves in 2009, the fifth-largest in South America. Mining and energy related investments have grown because of higher oil prices, increased demand, and improved output. Has significantly liberalized its petroleum sector, leading to an increase in exploration and production contracts from both large and small hydrocarbon industries. Is presently the fifth-largest coal exporting country, accounting for about 1.1% of the world's total annual coal production, and the largest producer in Latin America (73.5 million tons in 2008). Has been the world's leading producer of emeralds, although production has fallen in recent years. Is also a significant producer of gold, silver, and platinum. The United States is the largest source of new foreign direct investment (FDI) in Colombia, particularly in mining and hydrocarbon projects. The bulk of the new investment is in the manufacturing, mining, and energy sectors. The only activities closed to foreign direct investment are defense, national security, and disposal of hazardous wastes.

8 Political First European settlement (1525) Became part of New Granada in 1717 (alongside Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama) Simon Bolivar instigated the country’s independence and later on became the country’s first president After defeating Spanish army in 1819, Republic of Gran Colombia established as independent state Two opposing parties formed  Liberal party (PL, Partido Liberal) and Conservative Party (PSC< Partido Conservador) PSC was involved in creating a strong government PL involved in separation of church and state and universal suffrage Politics has experienced lots of violence Citizens sometimes result to weaponry to resolve political debates 3 presidential candidates assassinated during 1990 campaign Constitution written in 1991 Drug lords began to take place of guerrilla leaders (major threat to political stability) Influence of drug lords has threatened the government for many years US developed strategy (Plan Colombia) in alliance with Pastrana government to help Colombian military fight illegal production of cocaine Plan began in 2001, but citizens feared that it could possible lead to a civil war and US troops occupation of Colombia

9 Political Unitary Presidential republic President (current)  Juan Manuel Santos Vice President (current)  Angelino Garzon Independence (from Spain)  declared Juy 20, 1810 Government divided into three branches: executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch Head of executive branch  President (head of state and head of government) Deputy head  Vice President… Council of Ministers President elected by popular vote (4 year terms) + limited to max of two terms Legislative branch consists of Senate and House of Representatives Senate  102 seats and nationally elected Representatives  elected by every region and minority groups Both serve four-year terms Judicial branch  headed by Supreme Court Supreme Court  23 judges + 3 chambers (penal, civil and agrarian, labor) Judicial branch also includes Council of State (responsible for administrative law) and Constitutional court (responsible for assuring Colombian constitution integrity) and Council of Judicature (responsible for auditing judicial branch) Foreign relations focus on fighting illegal drug trade, terrorism, improve country’s international image, expand international market, and solve environmental issues US supports through military and commercial co- operations EU supports financially for certain products Liberal party founded in 1848 Conservative party founded in 1849 Being part of a particular party depended on family’s heritage In period La Violencia, you were killed or not killed depending on which party you were in Party that wins election, rewards party members by appointing people with public positions or funding special projets Party in power controls national budget, government jobs, economy Parties shape pyramidal structure of society National front modernized party system by creating elections, mass base and special representation for youth/women/labor Increased foreign policy after World War II Focuses more on domestic and national affairs rather than international

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