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Mark Langan Inspired Cardboard Relief Project. Mark Langen.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Langan Inspired Cardboard Relief Project. Mark Langen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Langan Inspired Cardboard Relief Project

2 Mark Langen

3 Speculate: What materials do you think he uses to get the different/ variety of textures? How do you think he gets the variety of colors? Based on his choice of materials and message in the one work you have viewed…What might his artist statement be about?

4 Mark Langen creates sculptural works that are inspired by the form of cardboard itself, celebrating its grooves and textures. This work demands a kind of respect and awe for its material, which the artist collects from his own neighborhood. Artist Statement: Corrugated board is a material that can be easily recycled over and over again. I see it as an endless supply source that I purge from my trash and neighborhood, reusing it towards my creations. Artwork that is intriguing to the viewer whereas one might ponder quite some time over. A form of green art, that makes a definitive statement with its contribution to the recycling movement.

5 Organic O

6 Process: Langan dos not use any computer rendering to visualize a project: he sketches it the old-fashioned way, by drawing it out on a piece of paper. Each piece is built through a process of cutting, layering, and sealing with a non-toxic glue. For a more sculptural texture, the artist will run his cardboard through a paper-shredder and make it into a putty with glue and water.

7 Color

8 Why he creates: Some of the pieces are more overt proponents of the green lifestyle than others: one pieces says “Waste: it’s what haste makes” while in another, Uncle Sam declares “I want YOU to recycle” (above). Most of the works, however, are elegantly trimmed celebrations of a cast-off material. It’s the grown-up version of playing with cardboard boxes.Uncle Sam declares “I want YOU to recycle” (above). Most of the works, however, are elegantly trimmed celebrations of a cast-off material. It’s the grown-up version of playing with cardboard boxes.

9 Natural tones vs. Color

10 Your project: To Create a 18 x 24 inch relief using cardboard You must include: – 5 different textures and methods (Texture) – 3 different natural colors (Color/variety), adding a accent color is up to you – Representational image or complex abstract design that is challenging, creative, and interesting (Unity) – 4 different depth levels (Space)

11 Steps to completion: Find images to work from 15 pts (3 images) Due tomorrow. Design on paper your relief sculpture-scratch paper then 18 x 24 (drawing) 20 pts Due tomorrow end of hour Draw out/plan each layer to develop (8 pts) Due tomorrow end of hour Begin cutting and laying out overall pieces Begin cutting, peeling, tearing, mulching, and overall adding texture to the cardboard. Sculpture due date: TBD

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