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Congress is “the First Branch of this Government” -James Madison

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1 Congress is “the First Branch of this Government” -James Madison
Legislative Branch Congress is “the First Branch of this Government” -James Madison

2 United States Congress
Bicameral Legislature The United States Congress is made up of two houses House of Representatives Senate

3 What is so important about Congress?
Congress plays a central role in making national policies Congress initiates and approves laws dealing with everything from health care to tax cuts or changes

4 Congressional Sessions
Each term of Congress starts on January 3rd of the odd-numbered years and lasts for two years Each term of Congress is divided into sessions A session lasts one year and included breaks for holidays and vacations Congress remains in session until its members vote to adjourn

5 The House of Representatives
435 members, and is the larger body of Congress, and how many representatives per state depends on population of the state Representatives must be at least 25 years old, be a citizen of the United States for at least 7 years, and be legal residents of the state that elects them Elected for 2-year terms

6 Senate Senate has 100 members, 2 members from each of the 50 states
Senators must be at least 30 years old, citizens of the United States for 9 years before election, and legal residents of the state they represent. Elections are held in even numbered years and hold terms of 6 years

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