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LA: to write descriptively about a Victorian Bristol building, using what we've learnt from Dickens LO: I can – use creative adjectives to describe (all)

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Presentation on theme: "LA: to write descriptively about a Victorian Bristol building, using what we've learnt from Dickens LO: I can – use creative adjectives to describe (all)"— Presentation transcript:

1 LA: to write descriptively about a Victorian Bristol building, using what we've learnt from Dickens LO: I can – use creative adjectives to describe (all) - use techniques to make my description more interesting (most) - use contextual imagery to describe (some) Starter Look at the extract from last lesson. What do you notice about the: Colours? Textures? Shapes? Adjectives and adverbs? Extension – Why has Dickens done this?

2 Creating tone Think about the mood and tone Dickens used, and how he created it. Mind map words to use to create the tone and mood you want for your building. Techniques: repetition, simile, metaphor, personification, adverbs, adjectives… LA: to write descriptively about a Victorian Bristol building, using what we've learnt from Dickens LO: I can – use creative adjectives to describe (all) - use techniques to make my description more interesting (most) - use contextual imagery to describe (some)

3 Victorian Vocab Grandiloquence (!) Liked lots of detail. Used complex, often long words (and expected readers to understand them. Took charge of the English language and used it to spread British influence across the world. Created the world’s greatest dictionary – the OED. LA: to write descriptively about a Victorian Bristol building, using what we've learnt from Dickens LO: I can – use creative adjectives to describe (all) - use techniques to make my description more interesting (most) - use contextual imagery to describe (some)

4 What adjectives would you use to describe these buildings?

5 We are going to write a description of a Victorian building using what we have learnt from Dickens.



8 Let’s practise writing about this picture together… LA: to write descriptively about a Victorian Bristol building, using what we've learnt from Dickens LO: I can – use creative adjectives to describe (all) - use techniques to make my description more interesting (most) - use contextual imagery to describe (some)


10 LO: I can – use creative adjectives to describe (all) - use techniques to make my description more interesting (most) - use contextual imagery to describe (some) LA: to write descriptively about a Victorian Bristol building, using what we've learnt from Dickens What is our success criteria?

11 Plenary Critique questions for first draft of our descriptive writing 1.Highlight the adjectives used. Label the most effective and write why you like it. 2.Have they used a metaphor or a simile? Highlight and label them. 3.Have they personified the building? Highlight and label it. 4.Find a short sentence. Write what the effect of it is. If you can't find one, tell them! 5.WWW and EBI underneath the draft. LA: to write descriptively about a Victorian Bristol building, using what we've learnt from Dickens LO: I can – use creative adjectives to describe (all) - use techniques to make my description more interesting (most) - use contextual imagery to describe (some)

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