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These Folks Were CRAZY Laconic Wit: A short statement. Alexander the Great: “If I enter Sparta, I will destroy it.” Spartan General: “If.”

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Presentation on theme: "These Folks Were CRAZY Laconic Wit: A short statement. Alexander the Great: “If I enter Sparta, I will destroy it.” Spartan General: “If.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 These Folks Were CRAZY Laconic Wit: A short statement. Alexander the Great: “If I enter Sparta, I will destroy it.” Spartan General: “If.”

2 Sparta Founded by Dorian invaders. Remember them? The conquered people, the Helots, became slaves Even though there were 10 or 20 helots for every Spartan. So, how did they maintain order? By being absolute jerks. Terror.Brutality. Discipline.

3 Spartans At War Come back With your shield Or ON it. Discipline Said by Spartan mothers and wives, to sons and husbands going off to war.

4 Discipline : The Spartan Way Citizens:Males, born in Sparta, over 30. Age 7 : Move into military barracks. Birth : Bathed in wine and tested for strength. Underfed to promote theft and resourcefulness Age 18 : Join the army. Trained to fight in phalanx. Given a knife and sent into the countryside. “Don’t come back until you kill someone, and don’t get caught.” Age 20 : Get Married Age 30 : Move in with family Age 60 : Retire. (And get to eat at home.) Women were educated, unlike the rest of Greece. Their job was to have healthy soldier sons. Woman: Why are Spartan women the only women in the world that rule men? Queen Gorgo: Because we are the only women that are mothers to men.

5 Athens Sparta Women Education Government Military Citizenship Women Education Government Military Citizenship

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