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National eCAF for Calderdale Taking the next steps in the Common Assessment Framework Catherine Pulle & Paul Caladine CMBC.

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Presentation on theme: "National eCAF for Calderdale Taking the next steps in the Common Assessment Framework Catherine Pulle & Paul Caladine CMBC."— Presentation transcript:

1 National eCAF for Calderdale Taking the next steps in the Common Assessment Framework Catherine Pulle & Paul Caladine CMBC

2 What is National eCAF? Electronic enablement of the Common Assessment Framework Allows authorised, trained practitioners from across the workforce to securely access and update assessment information. Allows planning, monitoring and review of progress by all involved. Department of Children, Schools and Families national solution. Provided free to Local Authorities and the children’s workforce

3 What are the Benefits? Promotes multi-agency working and early interventions. Improved Management Information and monitoring of ECM outcomes (in compliance with OFSTED recommendations) Borders are no obstacle – 14/15 LA in the region expect to adopt eCAF (one uncertain). Gives new impetus to embedding CAF Facilitates a consistent approach across practitioners (and borders) Facilitates effective and efficient delivery of co- ordinated services.

4 Benefits continued.... Creates a holistic view of child’s needs. Faster than ‘postal’ CAF. Reduces needs for multiple assessments. Closely linked with ContactPoint Increases transparency between agencies Promotes quality by practitioners. Security – only those directly involved in the case can see the details. Will always conform to DCSF requirements. Free!

5 Current Position The Local Authority has accepted that National eCAF would be it’s chosen solution. It is recognised that buy in and commitment is required from across the Children’s Workforce with regard to: – Training – IT requirements – Commitment to CAF

6 Requested Support & Next Steps Asking for commitment from the Children’s Trust to back this as the solution for the Children’s Workforce in Calderdale Letter of Intent to the DCSF (by end of May 2010). National eCAF currently being assessed by Early Adopters – will deploy only when accepted. Project start-up commences aiming to deliver June 2011 with key user training starting then and rolled out to the rest of the workforce. Stakeholder engagement throughout 2010/11 with all partners engaged with CAF process.

7 Any Questions? Contact details: – –

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