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SharePoint Governance And the role of the Site Owner.

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Presentation on theme: "SharePoint Governance And the role of the Site Owner."— Presentation transcript:

1 SharePoint Governance And the role of the Site Owner

2 Shaun Nichols Lead Solutions Engineer – Metalogix Migrations Governance Solutions Content Management

3 Lessons from the past  How many of you had a SharePoint 2007 Environment?  Single Site Collection  Permissions Sprawl  Orphan Accounts  Stale Content  Customizations  First experience with SharePoint for most people  How many of you had a SharePoint 2007 Environment?  Single Site Collection  Permissions Sprawl  Orphan Accounts  Stale Content  Customizations  First experience with SharePoint for most people

4 This is the reason for Governance!

5 Pillars of the governance Plan  Business Governance  IT/Operational Governance  Information Management  Business Governance  IT/Operational Governance  Information Management

6 Business Governance Build your team Have a vision Identify main areas for success Who will be responsible for what? Build your team Have a vision Identify main areas for success Who will be responsible for what?

7 The Team An evangelist or leader Business leaders IT operations Developers Owners/End Users

8 Vision Why are we using SharePoint? Define the business drivers The non-technical definition of SharePoint for our business

9 Which features do we need most Translate the business need Focus on the key areas Try to avoid needless complexity

10 Ask the tough questions  The big questions  Discover processes that can be incorporated – you might be surprised  Dig into content, operations, roles, social  The big questions  Discover processes that can be incorporated – you might be surprised  Dig into content, operations, roles, social

11 Information Architecture Site Structure Taxonomy Content on the pages Define content in SharePoint Site Structure Taxonomy Content on the pages Define content in SharePoint

12 Site Structure Gotta talk to those users again Departmental Driven Design – Maybe not Functional sites like

13 Can I do this all in one site collection? The Good  Simple navigation settings  Master page gallery  Lookups The Bad  Growth of content  Scalability for the future  Issues with unique security

14 Side Note: Managed Navigation Uses managed metadata in navigation Consistency throughout all sites Can give the appearance of seamlessness with multiple site collections

15 Page Content Uniformity across the sites Important content at the top A wireframe when starting can be a big help SharePoint Designer

16 Metadata

17 Taxonomy Content Types Discover what content will be in SharePoint Could this be a search scope? Careful not allow sprawl here as well Columns  Users only have so much patience  Further define content beyond the properties of the document

18 Managed Metadata A central and reusable taxonomy Sharing content types across site collections Can be limited to certain locations too Folksonomy

19 IT/Operational Governance Continuity and data protection Policies Security Classification of content Continuity and data protection Policies Security Classification of content

20 Business Continuity Gotta keep the lights on! Monitor Performance Are there application SLAs in place already? Gotta keep the lights on! Monitor Performance Are there application SLAs in place already?

21 Policies  Expiration of old content  Storage quotas  Looking at activity reports to find stale content  Expiration of old content  Storage quotas  Looking at activity reports to find stale content

22 Customizations  What if you had to migrate by the end of the year?  SharePoint Designer?  Third party solutions?  What if you had to migrate by the end of the year?  SharePoint Designer?  Third party solutions?

23 Side Note – App Model Evolution of sandboxed solutions Change in development tools used Where will we allow apps? Who can deploy them? Will we allow apps from the store?

24 Security


26 Information architecture Plays a role in security Classification of the sites Reduction in governance from IT as content becomes more collaborative Impact on inheritance

27 Key areas of concern  Inheritance  Custom Permission Levels  Custom Groups  Direct Access  AD Groups vs SharePoint Groups  Inheritance  Custom Permission Levels  Custom Groups  Direct Access  AD Groups vs SharePoint Groups

28 Are you hosting compliant content?  HIPAA, PII,  Auditing Features within SharePoint  Records Management  Information Rights Management  Approval of the content  HIPAA, PII,  Auditing Features within SharePoint  Records Management  Information Rights Management  Approval of the content

29 What is your plan?  Are there unique security requirements here?  Who is the audience for this?  Does out-of-the-box give us what we need?  Enable the end users  Are there unique security requirements here?  Who is the audience for this?  Does out-of-the-box give us what we need?  Enable the end users

30 Side Note – O365 External Users Share Requests You can disable external sharing!

31 Who does what? IT  Provide Training and Resources  Active Directory Groups  Templates  Enforce the guidelines in governance documentation Site Owners  Access requests  Proper provisioning  Who can know the content better than them?

32 Search  Keep important content in SharePoint  Organize hierarchies using plain language  Promote metadata usage  Authoritative Pages  Keep important content in SharePoint  Organize hierarchies using plain language  Promote metadata usage  Authoritative Pages

33 It all comes together in the end  Well defined and organized site structure  Effective use of content types and metadata  Back to understanding the content that will be in SharePoint  Will there be content outside of SharePoint that we will still have to see?  Well defined and organized site structure  Effective use of content types and metadata  Back to understanding the content that will be in SharePoint  Will there be content outside of SharePoint that we will still have to see?

34 So, I left some stuff out…  Workflows  BDC  OWA  Search… kinda  Workflows  BDC  OWA  Search… kinda

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