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 What constitutes a “family?”.  Describes relationships  Blood related, adoption, marriage  Share the same living space.

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Presentation on theme: " What constitutes a “family?”.  Describes relationships  Blood related, adoption, marriage  Share the same living space."— Presentation transcript:

1  What constitutes a “family?”


3  Describes relationships  Blood related, adoption, marriage  Share the same living space

4  Greatest impact on individuals  Family of orientation › Family we are born into › Gives direction to children  Family of procreation › Established with marriage › Strengthens ties between families

5  Nuclear family › Immediate family › Parents and their children  Extended family › Multiple generations living in the same household › Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.

6  What roles do nuclear families fill? What roles do extended families fulfill? Which is most important in your life, why?

7  “Poly” = many  “Mono” = one  “Patri” = Father  “Matri” = Mother  “Endo” = inside  “Exo” = outside  “Homo” = Same  “Hetero” = Mixed  “-gamy”= describes marriage  “-gyny”= # of wives  “-andry”= # of husbands  “Neo”= new  “-cest” = pure

8  Patrilineal  Matrilineal  Bilateral  Patriarchy  Matriarchy  Equalitarian  Patrilocal  Matrilocal  Neolocal  Monogamy  Polygamy  Polygyny  Polyandry  Exogamy  Incest taboos  Endogamy  Homogamy  heterogamy

9  P. 355 chapter assessment, 1-5

10  Why do people get married?


12  Love/romance  Arranged marriage allows for stronger ties between families  Tax breaks (save money)  It’s what society tells us to do (conformity)

13  At what time do you believe is a good time for people to get married, why?  Are people waiting longer or getting married sooner than in previous times?  What influences people when to get married?

14  Nearly ½ of marriages (in the US) end in divorce  Causes › Married too early › Early on in the marriage › Partnership isn’t very equal, causes strain › More socially acceptable to divorce now than in prior generations › Financial concerns

15  Blended Family › At least one of the partners in the marriage has children from a previous marriage › Brady Bunch  Single parent › Adolescents behave in more deviant acts when raised in single parent household › Women likely to have custody of kids in court cases

16  Childless marriage  Dual-employment marriages  Cohabitation  Remain single  “Boomerang kids”


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