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Tone and Mood Review. TONE  Every author creates a sense of tone through his/her word choice ( diction ), sentence structure ( syntax ), and imagery.

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Presentation on theme: "Tone and Mood Review. TONE  Every author creates a sense of tone through his/her word choice ( diction ), sentence structure ( syntax ), and imagery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tone and Mood Review

2 TONE  Every author creates a sense of tone through his/her word choice ( diction ), sentence structure ( syntax ), and imagery. Tone is the expression of the author’s attitude towards the subject and/or the audience. Some examples of “tone” words are angry, sarcastic, happy, light-hearted, depressed, creepy, nervous, anxious, disgusted, delighted, excited, melancholy, hopeful, etc. Notice all refer to some kind of feeling the author expresses.

3 Read the following passage. Jot down the descriptive words:  And I started to play. It was so beautiful. I was so caught up in how lovely I looked that at first I didn’t worry how I would sound. So it was a surprise to me when I hit the first wrong note and I realized something didn’t sound quite right. And then I hit another and another followed that. A chill started at the top of my head and began to trickle down. Yet I couldn’t stop playing, as though my hands were bewitched. I kept thinking my fingers would adjust themselves back, like a train switching to the right track. I played this strange jumble through two repeats the sour notes staying with me all the way to the end.-Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club

4 Categorize Re-read the words you underlined. What feeling is the author expressing through those words? How does the tone change from the beginning of the piece to the end? Feeling #1: Words from the piece that give you this feeling: Feeling #2: Words from the piece that give you this feeling:

5 Tone in media Watch the following trailer. As you watch, consider the feeling expressed by the characters and how the visual portrayal enhances those feelings. Construct a chart to record your observations. Feeling expressed (TONE)What led you to think this?(EVIDENCE)

6 Tone in media Watch the following trailer. As you watch, consider the feeling expressed by the characters and how the visual portrayal enhances those feelings. Construct a chart to record your observations. Feeling expressed (TONE)What led you to think this?(EVIDENCE)

7 The Lady of Shalott Using the “Lady of Shalott” handout, look at the following paintings. You are first going to simply list what you see. Then, you will move to analysis of tone followed by predicting elements what you expect when we read the poem.

8 “I Am Half Sick of Shadows” Said the Lady of Shalott by John William Waterhouse (1916)

9 The Lady of Shalott by William Hunt (1903)

10 The Lady of Shalott by John William Waterhouse (1888)

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