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The Rotary Foundation My My Foundation My My Charity of Choice.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rotary Foundation My My Foundation My My Charity of Choice."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rotary Foundation My My Foundation My My Charity of Choice

2 Rotary Goals & Objectives Mission The Mission of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and alleviation of poverty.

3 SHARE Where does my money go? TODAY’S AGENDA

4 Thank You 2010-2011 Statistics ($ in USD)DistrictSpruce Grove Rotarians2,39549 Pledged to Annual Program’s Fund$253,866$5,100 Given to Annual Program’s Fund$308,211 (121%) $3,498.07 (69%) Per-Capita Giving to APF$128.69$71.39 Pledged to PolioPlus (Restricted Giving) $5,000 Restricted Giving (PolioPlus, Global Grants, Matching Grants, etc.) $253,336$5,967.27 (119%) Given to Permanent Fund$19,321$0 Total Giving$580,868.51$9,465.34

5 Where Your Money Goes

6 50% goes to World Fund SHARE - How it Works The Rotary Foundation Invests for 3 years The Rotary Foundation Invests for 3 years Contributions to Annual Programs Fund Contributions to Annual Programs Fund 50% back to the District as District Designated Funds 50% back to the District as District Designated Funds

7 District Designated Funds - History Contribution YearCollectedAmount of DDF (after 3 years) 2007-08$378,438$189,219 2008-09$280,784$140,392 2009-10$299,229$149,614 2010-11$308,212$154,106 WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DONATION MAKES!

8 Annual Programs FundAnnual Programs Fund – This is the essence of the “Every Rotarian Every year” initiative. We encourage all Rotarians to be sustaining members giving US$100 every year for 10 years to the APF. SOURCES OF FUND SUPPORT

9 Permanent Fund / Planned GivingPermanent Fund / Planned Giving – Through Wills, estate, insurance, stocks, etc. Permanent Fund monies are never spent, they are invested, and the interest earned each year goes to the Annual Programs Fund or World Fund. Two recognitions: Benefactor - US$1,000 in your will. Receive “wings” to attach under your Rotary pin. Bequest Society - minimum of US$10,000 SOURCES OF FUND SUPPORT

10 A new, convenient way is now available for you to make regular contributions to The Rotary Foundation – through TRF-Direct. Simply fill in how much you would like deducted from your chequing or savings account or from your credit card. Indicate frequency: monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, annually. Mail it in to The Rotary Foundation, and you are all set! Form is available on the District website under Foundation. TRF-DIRECTTRF-DIRECT

11 For TRF-Direct forms only mail to: The Rotary Foundation Annual Giving, FN500 One Rotary Center 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston IL 60201-3698 USA OR MAKING A DONATION

12 Make a cheque to “The Rotary Club of Spruce Grove” We will turn your CAD contribution into USD and do the paperwork for you! MAKING A DONATION

13 FAMOUS QUOTE Rotarian Treacy Duerfeldt asks, “If two-thirds of the world – about four billion people – can live on $2 per day, then shouldn’t the rest give at least that much?” Consider making your annual gift today.

14 Thank you for your support of the Rotary Foundation Further Information is available on our District Website Call or email Ross Tyson, District 5370 Foundation Committee Chair at either (780) 672-2829 or e-mail at THANK YOU

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