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An Introduction to myself, Liam Finn (start at 0:30)

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1 An Introduction to myself, Liam Finn (start at 0:30)

2 Background I was born in Falls Church Virginia however I only lived there less than a year after my birth before moving to Poland for two years, Germany for four years and Russia for four years. I lived in Europe for most of my childhood and only came back the summer before sixth grade to Burke, Virginia (Fairfax County) where I lived throughout high school and now I’m here!

3 Famo I have a fraternal twin brother, an older sister who transferred here the same year I came here, a younger sister who just went into a sixth grade, a loving mother and father, and my fat pug Milo.

4 Theatre In seventh grade I took a theatre class and it changed my life. I truly felt like I found a platform in which to express myself and something I had a knack for. I unfortunately didn’t take it 8 th grade due to some scheduling iconflicts and had to take band (which didn’t work out well…at all) but once I hit freshmen year of high school I dived into the theatre program at my school, participating in numerous productions as an actor while my love for the art grew stronger and stronger. It’s what drew me to VCU because I loved the theatre program here.

5 Some shows I’ve been in!

6 Hobbies/Interests Besides my passion for theatre I have many other interests and hobbies that fill my time and inspire me. I love playing guitar and I’m especially into playing folky fingerpicking stuff. I however am a huge geek when it comes to music, I love collecting records and find all I can about numerous genres from the ever-evolving timeline of rock (punk, alt, psych, grunge, prog,) to jazz, hip hop, indie, experimental etc.

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