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Spaces PHYSICAL Space: -University Campus -Real time classroom: coincides with the classroom timetable -Those outside classroom timetable: computer labs,

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Presentation on theme: "Spaces PHYSICAL Space: -University Campus -Real time classroom: coincides with the classroom timetable -Those outside classroom timetable: computer labs,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spaces PHYSICAL Space: -University Campus -Real time classroom: coincides with the classroom timetable -Those outside classroom timetable: computer labs, library, HOME, etc. VIRTUAL Spaces The subject portal. Accessible at Both virtual space and physical space are linked by a virtual learning environment, forming the “extended classroom”

2 Real time classroom Regular face-to-face computer classroom

3 VIRTUAL Spaces LIBRARY HOME OTHER (e.g. public Spaces) Those spaces that allow students and teacher to communicate through telematics tools

4 Extended classroom LIBRARY HOME Other (Internet café, public Spaces, etc) Virtual learning environment

5 Artifacts & materials Computers, digital blackboard, digital storage, Internet connectivity, etc.

6 Artifacts & materials Digital contents accessible/exchangeable on the Internet…

7 Artifacts & materials …Including online digital video

8 Actions The students are expected to do the following types of activities: Performing individual presentations with the help of digital tools Design and development of multimedia learning materials Design and development of audiovisual learning activities Produce short reports Participate in an online forum Design, develop and implement in the classroom a learning activity using one or more digital tools. This is the key activity of the course Create a digital portfolio of their learning Produce an assessment report

9 Communication patterns All learning actors communicate according to the specific need of the learning activity: student- student, teacher-student, teams of students- teacher, etc The communication takes place both face-to-face and using asynchronous telecommunication: forum, e-mail, groups, etc.

10 Traces Students are able to include for sharing part of their activity within the virtual space, including communication-based learning activities, as their participation in forums

11 Traces Activity traces: those provided by the tools embedded in the virtual learning space…

12 Traces …those provided by the individual digital online portfolio, etc

13 Assessment & Evaluation …and on the activity at the virtual learning space Assessment: based on both individual and team work learning products produced… Evaluation: based on individual reflective report at the end of the course

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