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Building RTI Capacity Through the Lens of a Coach Curriculum and Instruction Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Building RTI Capacity Through the Lens of a Coach Curriculum and Instruction Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building RTI Capacity Through the Lens of a Coach Curriculum and Instruction Department

2 2

3 Learning Outcomes Provide coaching tools for RTI and Interventions Discuss how to further identify students at risk for failing STAAR or the grade level beyond the percentage Participate and discuss findings from a case study Questions, comments, and/or concerns

4 Is this what you were expecting? 4

5 Identify Intervention Needs 1. Assess all students with a universal screening or benchmark (Tip: Be sure to assess students receiving special education services.) 2. Identify students who are at risk. 3. Using the Class Summary sheet, identify and gather relate data.

6 Identify Intervention Needs 4.Analyze students’ data to identify areas where intervention is needed. 5.Identify areas for targeted professional development support. 6.Summarize the findings to identify specific areas to target. 7. Develop a “sound bite” (short statement) that describes student needs and what the ideal intervention(s) would address. 6

7 2 Minute Pause Turn to your partner and share your current practices 7

8 Red, Yellow, & Green Fall Benchmarks (October 26-30) At-Risk Students40% or below Progressing with Gaps49%-59% Progressing60 or above

9 In what area(s) are the learning gaps? For example, in reading, students may be behind their peers in phonemic awareness, phonics or word study, vocabulary, fluency, or comprehension. In math they may lag behind in fluency, number sense, procedures, or entire concepts

10 What are the characteristics of the at- risk students? Are they primarily English language learners? Do they struggle with learning in more than one content area? Do any already receive intervention, including dyslexia or special education services? Is there a history of retention or summer school? Do external challenges to learning, such as the following, need to be addressed? Excessive tardies or absences Chronic illness or medication factors School transfer or enrollment (note if more than one a year) Other, such as home issues, including being in the foster care system

11 How do I identify areas for targeted professional development? Do gaps in knowledge and skills (TEKS) link to a specific grade level? Could the learning gaps be related to the staff expertise? Do teachers provide explicit instruction in the content area? Do teachers employ evidence-based strategies related to the areas of learning gaps? Do teachers need information about evidence-based strategies to address the learning gaps? Are the learning gaps related to curriculum or program implementation? Are the 3 c’s addressed?

12 How do I summarize the findings to identify specific areas to target? Informal information gained in PLCs Eduphoria Use one another (coach, specialist, other administrator at other campuses) Contact the curriculum coordinators

13 Quick Write Interventions: Where are you as a campus? What are some of your current practices? Realities? Are there changes that need to be made at your campus? If so, where do you start? 13

14 2 Minute Pause Turn to your partner and share 14

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16 Item Analysis Reports 16

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18 Item Analysis 18

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20 Questions

21 Sound bite Develop short statements that describe student needs and the ideal interventions(s) that would be addressed.

22 Case Study 22

23 Student Analysis—Mary Smith Index 1 =1 Index 2= 2 (All, African American) Index 3= 2 (African American, Economically Disadvantaged) Index 4= 2 (African American, All Total of 7 times **Did not standards and did not meet academic progress in writing or reading

24 Intervention Needs Worksheet: Class Summary Student Area(s) of learning gaps Total Index counts ELL Other area(s) of risk Number of tardies Number of absences Other factors

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