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Presidents Cold War Civil Rights Vietnam After Vietnam.

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3 Presidents

4 Cold War

5 Civil Rights

6 Vietnam

7 After Vietnam

8 Wars

9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 PresidentsCold War Civil Rights Vietnam After VietnamWars

10 New Deal

11 FDR

12 Cuban Missile Crisis

13 JFK

14 Stock Market Crash

15 Hoover

16 Détente

17 Nixon

18 Bull Moose Party; Progressive president; Meat Inspection Act, etc

19 Teddy Roosevelt

20 US policy towards the Soviet Union during the Cold War

21 Containment

22 What caused the Korean War?

23 North Korea invaded South Korea

24 A pledge that the U.S. would use overwhelming force to settle serious conflicts

25 Massive retaliation

26 What was the goal of the Bay of Pigs invasion?

27 to overthrow Castro’s communist gov’t

28 How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved?

29 USSR agreed to remove Soviet missiles from Cuba

30 Civil Rights group headed by MLK Jr.


32 Court case that ended legal separation of races

33 Brown v. Board of Ed

34 Laws that kept African Americans segregated after Civil War

35 Jim Crow Laws

36 Name that event: CORE/SNCC members refusing to leave segregated lunch counters

37 Sit-ins

38 List two facts about the Black Panthers

39 -Part of the Black Power movement -Were a political party -Offered social services to the people -Fought police brutality

40 Leader of the Vietminh

41 Ho Chi Minh

42 What was Operation Rolling Thunder?

43 Bombing campaign of Northern Vietnam

44 Turning point in war; Public opinion no longer supports war

45 Tet Offensive

46 What was the Tonkin Gulf Resolution?

47 Gave the president power to use any necessary forces in Vietnam

48 Put the following events in order: -War Powers Act -French colony -American combat troops -Tet Offensive

49 French colony; American combat troops; Tet Offensive; War Powers Act

50 Nixon was forced to release _____ to Congress during the Watergate scandal

51 tapes

52 Nixon’s Cold War policy

53 Détente

54 Pardoned Nixon

55 Gerald Ford

56 Peace Agreement between Israel and Egypt – negotiated by Jimmy Carter

57 Camp David Accords

58 Crisis of Carter’s presidency; Ended as soon as Reagan assumed office

59 Iranian-Hostage

60 Justification used by George W. Bush for entering Iraq in 2003

61 Weapons of Mass Destruction

62 WWII Generals in Europe and Pacific

63 Eisenhower and MacArthur

64 U.S. strategy in the Pacific (WWII)

65 Island Hopping

66 Why did U.S. enter WWI?

67 Unrestricted submarine warfare; Lusitania; Zimmerman note

68 Reasons for Spanish American War

69 Cuban independence battle; Yellow journalism; Maine; de Lome letter

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