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Making a shopping list Cheese Peas Chocolate Vegetables Fish sauce Dog meat Chicken Candy Cheese Peas Chocolate Vegetables Fish sauce.

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Presentation on theme: "Making a shopping list Cheese Peas Chocolate Vegetables Fish sauce Dog meat Chicken Candy Cheese Peas Chocolate Vegetables Fish sauce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making a shopping list Cheese Peas Chocolate Vegetables Fish sauce Dog meat Chicken Candy Cheese Peas Chocolate Vegetables Fish sauce

2 VOICED OR UNVOICED? /~acadtech/phonetics /#


4 Jumping from side to side VOICEDUNVOICED

5 Verbs in the PAST Present Past Simple

6 Listen and Check I think... Maybe.... They.....

7 Are these statements true or false? 1.Lia started going to school when she was 7. 2.Lia ate sugar every day for two years. 3.She got married when she was 25. 4.She went to university. 5.Carol went to school in New York. 6.She stopped studying to help her mother. 7.She worked in a library in New York. 8.She had five children. 9.In 2002 they bought a house by a tree.

8 Read about their lives and put the information in the correct order Listen and check your answers


10 How do we make the question form?

11 /t//d//id/ What’s the final sound of these verbs in the past: Livemovewantstartlikemakebuy Stopworkvisit Listen and check There are three ways to pronounce ‘ed’ verb endings.

12 Rules Verbs that endFINAL SOUND Unvoiced /t/ voiced consonants /d/ If the word ends with /t/ or /d/ /id/


14 Make notes on what you can remember about the following people!!! Now tell your partner

15 HTV are making a TV show about people’s childhoods and life stories in Ho Chi Minh City. You work for HTV and you are making the program. You are going to interview two people and then tell their stories into the camera for a TV show. Before you interview two people, can you write 6 questions?

16 Do the interview and make notes!!! When you’ve finished – start recording into a camera. START by SAYING: “Hello everybody, today I am going to talk about the life of two people, they are......

17 Watch your Video back Were you clear? What was good about the video? How can you improve?

18 Have you got a phone with a video camera?

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