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AMSP AY 2015-2016 EOA Seminar 6 EOA 1 Class Notes Dan C. Fullerton 24 August 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "AMSP AY 2015-2016 EOA Seminar 6 EOA 1 Class Notes Dan C. Fullerton 24 August 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMSP AY 2015-2016 EOA Seminar 6 EOA 1 Class Notes Dan C. Fullerton 24 August 2015

2 AMSP Class Notes, 24 August 2015 What is operational art? --A different way of thinking about operations (sequencing vs synchronization) --have to know about strategy… --two schools in the maneuverist vision of OA (German vs Russian) --campaign planning --linking tactics and strategy (historians can then provide the context) --creativity of the commander…(is it really about the commander?) --not about battles; not about winning battles

3 AMSP Class Notes, 24 August 2015 So, why is SAMS doing this to us? --somebody has to do something; people ill-equipped (cognitively) to do this…

4 AMSP Class Notes, 24 August 2015 Doctrinal definition? What has changed? Why? --ADP…the pursuit of strategic objectives, -they change, scope and scale, may not achieve them, victory may not be necessary --in whole or in part, -have a WOG approach; mil not always the main effort or the appropriate tool; - acknowledgement that there is a ‘good enough’ vs a ‘mission accomplished’ --through the arrangement of tactical actions in time, space, and purpose -sequencing and synchronizing, WOG (as a planning factor…?), intent (from higher, up to political, all nested), mission command

5 AMSP Class Notes, 24 August 2015 Is there commonality in defining it? Do the various authors agree? --not a lot of agreement… --Naveh…systems shock --Citino…mobile warfare --Epstein… Why? Different lenses…perspectives…there are diff definitions/understanding

6 AMSP Class Notes, 24 August 2015 Has the definition remained the same over time? Associated with a level of war? A cognitive concept or approach?

7 AMSP Class Notes, 24 August 2015 When did operational art emerge? What existed before?

8 AMSP Class Notes, 24 August 2015 What are Schneider’s characteristics for operational art? Do these hold up? For all types of warfare? Do these characteristics lend themselves to war’s ‘second grammar’?

9 AMSP Class Notes, 24 August 2015 The So What? What does this mean? Where do we go from here? --no substantive answer for operational art --better understanding/considerations through the various case studies --every author his baggage/bias…what effect does this have on the validity of their argument? The context matters… -

10 AMSP Class Notes, 24 August 2015








18 AMSP Class Notes, 24 July 2015


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