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Teresa Byers, Director of Elementary Education Erin Dougherty, ESOL Teacher From the Dark Ages to Enlightenment and finally the Renaissance of ESOL in.

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Presentation on theme: "Teresa Byers, Director of Elementary Education Erin Dougherty, ESOL Teacher From the Dark Ages to Enlightenment and finally the Renaissance of ESOL in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teresa Byers, Director of Elementary Education Erin Dougherty, ESOL Teacher From the Dark Ages to Enlightenment and finally the Renaissance of ESOL in Louisa County

2  One part-time (0.5) ESOL position  45 identified students  6 Schools: 4 elementary, 1 middle, 1 high  EARTHQUAKE  Services provided through:  One ESOL class at the high school;  30 minutes per week provided for students in the elementary and middle schools

3  One part-time (0.5) ESOL position  68 identified students  Continued ESOL class at the high school  Continued 30 minutes per week services at other schools  Lots of snow days further reduced services provided

4  Summer, 2014—became full time ESOL teacher  New CO administrators in charge of ESOL program  Continued high school course  Increased services for middle school ELL students to 90 minutes per week  Push in services were provided at the elementary schools weekly


6  Began professional development for teachers and administrators  Intensive search for additional ESOL teachers to provide appropriate services  Thorough records review  Thorough program evaluation  Over 120 students identified as ELL students

7  Recruitment/Advertisement  Job Fairs in Virginia, Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania  Postings on Louisa County Public Schools’ website  SchoolSpring (nation-wide postings)  Interviews via Skype with candidates in other states and countries  Newspaper and magazine postings  Notices through ESOL organizations

8  Internal Search  Several teachers in the county had ESOL endorsement or were currently in the process to obtain endorsement

9  In November, 2014 one internal candidate was hired as an ESOL teacher  By February, 2015, 2 additional teachers (one internal teacher and one external candidate) joined the ESOL team bringing us to a total of 4 full time teachers

10  Additional teacher hired in Summer of 2015  to ensure appropriate service time could be provided at each school and  to assist with decreasing the compensatory services owed to students who were not properly identified or served from 2013 through the first semester of 2014 (over 600,000 minutes owed).  By Fall, 2015: Total ESOL staff of 5 teachers!!!!!!

11  Communicate with ESOL teachers weekly, if possible  Value and recognize ESOL teachers  Visit and observe ESOL teachers  Ensure support for ESOL program from all levels: Central Office administrators, building level administrators and teachers

12  Make sure you know  Laws, court cases, and “Dear Colleague” letters  Title III compliance requirements, and  Standards of Quality requirements

13 Contact Information: Teresa Byers Erin Dougherty 540-894-5115

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