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First decision 2007 – 6.8 M €  In 2007, an amount of 6.8 M € (10.3 M USD $) has been quickly mobilised.  2 main components:  Support to UNRWA emergency.

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Presentation on theme: "First decision 2007 – 6.8 M €  In 2007, an amount of 6.8 M € (10.3 M USD $) has been quickly mobilised.  2 main components:  Support to UNRWA emergency."— Presentation transcript:

1 First decision 2007 – 6.8 M €  In 2007, an amount of 6.8 M € (10.3 M USD $) has been quickly mobilised.  2 main components:  Support to UNRWA emergency appeal  Support to the Government of Lebanon

2 First Decision 2007 – 6.8 M€  1) Support to UNRWA emergency appeal  Rubbles removal  Planning of reconstruction  Socio-economic assessment in Nahr el Bared and Beddawi camps  Economic recovery  2) Institutional support to the Government  To facilitate the overall coordination of the reconstruction process by the Government through the provision of a Chief Technical Co- ordinator

3 Support to the municipalities Support to the municipalities around the NBC.  Objective: Rehabilitation of Nahr-el-Bared Irrigation Canal. Improve the irrigation services in Minieh and Akkar regions.  Estimated results: Obtain a clean and rehabilited irrigation canal, improve coordination with municipalities and farmers committees  Partner : Water establisment of North Lebabon  Amount :755.000 €

4 New decision 2008  New decision 2008  8 Millions €  Pledge at the Vienne Conference.  Will address urgent reconstruction needs  The project will be implemented by  UNRWA  International NGO

5 Component with UNRWA – 4.5 M € - Plot 1 – 200 units

6 Reconstruction of Mohajareen – 3.4 M € - 110 families

7 Funding from the European Commission in Response to the Nahr el Bared Crisis ECHOHumanitarian Aid Emergency Relief€ 1,2M ECHOHumanitarian Aid Emergency Phase€ 4,0M ECHOHumanitarian Aid Recovery Phase€ 8,0M ECSupport to UNRWA and Government of Lebanon € 6,8M ECSupport to Neighbouring Municipalities € 0,7M ECSupport to Reconstruction€ 8,0M TOTAL to date € 28,7M $ 37,4M

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