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IB Economics assessment objectives and command terms.

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1 IB Economics assessment objectives and command terms

2 (AO1) Assessment objective 1; Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of specified content.  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the common SL/HL syllabus  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current economic issues and data  At HL only: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the higher level extension topic.

3 AO1—knowledge and understanding. Key command termDepth Define Describe List Outline State These terms require students to learn and comprehend the meaning of information.

4 (AO2) Assessment objective 2; Demonstrate application and analysis of knowledge and understanding  Apply economic concepts and theories to real-world situations  Identify and interpret economic data  Demonstrate the extent to which economic information is used effectively in particular contexts  At HL only: Demonstrate application and analysis of the extension topics

5 AO2—application and analysis Key command termDepth Analyse Apply Comment Distinguish Explain Suggest These terms require students to use their knowledge to explain actual situations, and to break down ideas into simpler parts and to see how the parts relate.

6 (AO3) Assessment objective 3; Demonstrate synthesis and evaluation  Examine economic concepts and theories  Use economic concepts and examples to construct and present an argument  Discuss and evaluate economic information and theories  At HL only: Demonstrate economic synthesis and evaluation of the extension topics

7 AO3—synthesis and evaluation Key command termDepth Compare Compare and contrast Contrast Discuss Evaluate Examine Justify To what extent These terms require students to rearrange component ideas into a new whole and make judgments based on evidence or a set of criteria.

8 (AO4) Select, use and apply a variety of appropriate Assessment objective 4 skills and techniques  Produce well-structured written material, using appropriate economic terminology, within specified time limits  Use correctly labelled diagrams to help explain economic concepts and theories  Select, interpret and analyse appropriate extracts from the news media  Interpret appropriate data sets  At HL only: Use quantitative techniques to identify, explain and analyse economic relationships

9 AO4—selection, use and application of a variety of appropriate skills and techniques. Key command termDepth Calculate Construct Derive Determine Draw or sketch Identify and / or label Measure Plot Show or show that Solve These terms require students to demonstrate the selection and application of skills.

10 Application to external assessment Paper 1 SL / HL Extended response  Part A; AO1,AO2 and AO4.  Part B; AO1 to AO4 Paper 2 SL / HL Data response.  Part A; AO1  Part B; AO1, AO2 and AO4.  Part C; AO1, AO2 and AO4.  Part D; AO1, AO2 and AO3. Paper 3 HL Extensions paper  AO1, AO2 and AO4 for all questions

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