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Adjectives and Articles by Cheryl Hamilton Article An article is a special adjective.

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2 Adjectives and Articles by Cheryl Hamilton

3 Article An article is a special adjective.

4 The special articles are: A An The

5 Rules for articles The articles “ a” a nd “ an” a re used only with singular n ouns. “A” i s used before a word that begins with a constant sound. “An” i s used before a word that begins with a vowel sound or a silent h. “The” c an be used before singular or plural nouns.

6 Article “A” Example A dog was in the water.

7 Article “An” Example She cooked an egg.

8 Article “The” Example The chickens were in the yard.

9 Adjective An adjective is a word that can describe a person, place, or thing. Adjectives tell more about nouns or pronouns.

10 Adjectives It tells what kind, how many, or which one. What kind? large, brown dog How many? 10 students several miles Which one? This one

11 Adjectives An adjective formed from a proper noun is a proper adjective. Proper adjectives are capitalized. English test Chinese food

12 Adjective Example Tigger has black stripes in the photo. Black is the adjective describing the stripes.

13 Adjective Example Carol wears big hats at work. Big is the adjective that describes hats.

14 Adjective Example Many students are in this photo. Many is the adjective describing students.

15 Adjective Example There were wild geese in the park. Wild is the adjective describing geese.

16 Let’s Practice! djectives.htm


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