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HEALTH HAZARDS AND AWARNESS. Poor health and safety at work Although Bangladesh has a very big legislation regarding about occupational health and safety,

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2 Poor health and safety at work Although Bangladesh has a very big legislation regarding about occupational health and safety, this is always ignored and violated because they wanted only to increase the production, and they don’t care about worker’s healt ; infact most Bangladeshi companies haven’t the health insurance and this causes the desease of the most of workers who are forced to return to their home villages with the knowledge of the underlying cause of their sickness.


4 The awareness of denim sandblasting in the medical profession A lot of research shows an alarming low awareness about the effects that can have on workers the denim sandblasting. Indeed most workers who fall ill due to sandblasting are often diagnosed with other deseased like tubercolosis,asthma and other respiratory diseases that can be taken in the clothing industry. The worst thing is that the most medical pratictioners and medical teaching staff in Bangladesh don’t possess knowledge of the correaltion between denim sandblasting and siliscosis.

5 The RMG The RMG sector has rapidly become the backbone of Bangladesh’s economy, it produces about 80% of the country’s total export and it’s one of the most important sector that helps to support the economy. The RMG production rate is so high because has large numbers of unskilled and low cost labour; this is for the lack of other jobs and illiteracy that force people to adapt well to the worst conditions. But there are some problems in RMG sector: increasing wage pressures competitive international environment social and environmental compliance scrutiny low wages, poor social and economic standards, an overall lack of freedom of association and collective bargaining FOR WORKERS OF THIS GARMENT SECTOR.

6 Conclusions & Recommendations By the expert study, it can be concluded that the manual sandblasting method is being gradually replaced by the mechanical method, in fact some factories appear to be in the process of shifting from tue use of sandblasting to other techniques like laser or hand-sanding. Obviously the denim production for major brand continues to be done with manual or mechanical sanblasting and that’s a big problem because both of them are deadly for the workers! IT IS HOPED THAT THESE MORTAL METHODS EVENTUALLY BE REPLACED BY OTHERS THAT DON’T AFFECT THE HEALTH OF WORKERS,WHILE MAINTAINING LOW COSTS.


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