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Properties of Light Constellations Telescopes.

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Presentation on theme: "Properties of Light Constellations Telescopes."— Presentation transcript:



3 Properties of Light

4 Constellations

5 Telescopes

6 The Electromagnetic Spectrum

7 Hodgepodge

8 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Properties of Light Telescopes Constellations The EM Spectrum Hodgepodge Final Jeopardy

9 Properties of Light 100 The high point of a light wave Answer. Game board

10 Properties of Light 200 The low point of a wave. Answer. Game board

11 Properties of Light 300 The distance from wave bottom to wave bottom. Answer. Game board

12 Properties of Light 400 Frequency Answer. Game board

13 Properties of Light 500 Light consists of theses two energies? Answer. Game board

14 Constellations 100 The big bear. Answer. Game board

15 Constellations 200 The little bear Answer. Game board

16 Constellations 300 The big bear’s asterism. Answer. Game board

17 Constellations 400 The little bear’s asterism Answer. Game board

18 Constellations 500 These stars do not set below the horizon Answer. Game board

19 Telescopes 100 Answer. Game board This class of telescopes is called…

20 Telescopes 200 Answer. Game board This subclass of reflecting telescopes is called…

21 Telescopes 300 This subclass of reflecting telescopes is called… Answer. Game board

22 Telescopes 400 Telescope a has a lens diameter of 27 cm and telescope b has a lens diameter of 9 cm. This is how much more light gathering power Telescope a has than telescope b. Answer. Game board

23 Telescopes 500 Answer. Game board It’s the type of distortion seen in this picture.

24 The EM spectrum 100 The lowest energy. Answer. Game board

25 The EM spectrum 200 The highest energy. Answer. Game board

26 The EM spectrum 300 The one determining factor that separates on form of radiation from another. Answer. Game board

27 The EM spectrum 400 The concept of this equation Answer. Game board Wavelength (λ) x Frequency (f) = The Speed of Light (c) Or λ x f = c

28 The EM spectrum 500 The concept of this equation. Answer. Game board E = hc λ

29 Hodgepodge 100 Seeing distortion. Answer. Game board

30 Hodgepodge 200 Finish this song lyric “Well I heard mister Young sing about her…” Answer. Game board

31 Hodgepodge 300 who is this and what show is he from? Answer. Game board

32 Hodgepodge 400 A dog runs into the forest, how far does he run until he runs out? Answer. Game board

33 Hodgepodge 500 Name three bears? Answer. Game board

34 Properties of light 100 What is the crest Game board

35 Properties of light 200 What is trough? Game board

36 Properties of light 300 What is wavelength Game board

37 Properties of light 400 What is the number of wave cycles that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time? Game board

38 Properties of light 500 What are electric and magnetic? Or What is electromagnetic energy? Game board

39 Constellations 100 Game board Ursa Major

40 Constellations 200 Ursa Minor Game board

41 Constellations 300 What is the Big Dipper? Game board

42 Constellations 400 What is the Little Dipper? Game board

43 Constellations 500 What are circumpolar stars? Game board

44 Telescopes 100 What is a refracting telescope? Game board

45 Telescopes 200 Game board What is a Newtonian Focus?

46 Telescopes 300 What is a Cassegrain Focus? Game board

47 Telescopes 400 What is 27 times more powerful? Game board

48 Telescopes 500 What is Chromatic Aberration? Game board

49 The EM spectrum 100 What are radio waves? Game board

50 The EM spectrum 200 Game board What are gamma waves?

51 The EM spectrum 300 What is frequency or wavelength? Game board

52 The EM spectrum 400 Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional meaning as one goes up the other goes down Or As frequency goes up the distance between wave crests decreases and vise versa And The speed of light is constant in empty space Game board

53 The EM spectrum 500 This equation tells us that energy how energy is related to wavelength. Short wavelength = High Energy Long wavelength = Low Energy Game board

54 Hodgepodge 100 What is all the pollution that blocks our view of the universe. Examples are light, smog, smoke, etc. Game board

55 Hodgepodge 200 “Well, I heard ole Neil put her down. Well, I hope Neil Young will remember, A Southern man don't need him around anyhow. Sweet home Alabama Where the skies are so blue Sweet Home Alabama Lord, I'm coming home to you” Game board

56 Hodgepodge 300 Game board Who is Gabbo from the Simpson’s

57 Hodgepodge 400 What is half-way? Game board

58 Hodgepodge 500 Who are Poppa, Momma, and Little Bear? What are Black, Brown, and Polar Bears? Who are Walter Payton, Dick Butkis, and George Stanley Hallas? Game board


60 This Chicago baseball team was the last to win a World Series. When did they do it?

61 Who are the Chicago White Sox in 1917?

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