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Fact File On Five Living Organisms Ravin Madurawe 6/2 Science.

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2 Fact File On Five Living Organisms Ravin Madurawe 6/2 Science

3 Table Of Contents Echidna Platypus Amanita Pantherina Mushroom Snowshoe Rabbit Liger

4 The Echidna Echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus Common Name Scientific Name

5 Introduction Tachyglossidae family Egg-laying mammals (monotremes) Live in Australia and New Guinea Named after monster in Greek Mythology Powerful diggers Protects its self with its spines Marsupials (an animal with a pouch) Lower Body temperature than other mammals

6 What do they look like Between 1-8 cm long Covered with coarse hair and spines Snout which is the mouth & nose Their snouts are long and slim. Strong & short thighs Sharp claws Tiny mouth with tootless jaws Long stick tounge

7 How they feed and Their Food They feed by tearing open soft logs and anthills Their main food are inscents Catch preys by using their tounge

8 The Eggs and Young Soft-Shelled Eggs Leathery Eggs 22 days after mating the egg develops directly into the female pouch 10 days to hatch Sucks milk Approximately 1.45 cm When the young’s spines grow it goes into the wild (around several months old) When they are several months old they start to eat incests Young drink milk

9 Bibliography

10 The Platypus Common Name Scientific Name Platypus Ornithorhynchus Anatinus

11 Introduction Found in Australia Egg Laying animal (Monotremes) Marsupials (An animal with a pouch) Lower Body temperature Smooth swimming technique Semi-aquatic

12 What do they look like Duck Bill Webbed Feet Smooth Body Broad Tail-White Tip Muzzle/Bill 45 cm – 60 cm in length Weigh up to 2.7 kg Dark Brown and Golden Waterproof coat Long Claws

13 How they feed and Their Food Use their electro-sensitive bill to locate and search for food Use electro-perception Worms Insects Crustaceans Mollusks Tadpoles Use Horny Pads instead of teeth

14 Eggs and Young 12 - 14 days after mating 1-3 eggs are laid 10 - 12 days to hatch Young drink milk Born Blind After around 6 weeks the young go out into the wild and get their eye sight Between June and October is the breeding season for platypus

15 The Call

16 Bibliography

17 The Panther Mushroom Common Name Scientific Name Panther Mushroom Amanita Pantherina

18 Introduction Found in North America and Europe Poisonous Ring on stem Volva on stem Grows in woods Grows on the ground

19 Description Bronze or Pale- orange cap Cap with 2-6 white circles in diameter Stem 6-10 cm long Stem 1-2½ cm diameter

20 Bibliography

21 Snowshoe Rabbit Scientific Name Common Name Lepus americanus Snowshoe Rabbit & Varying Hare

22 Introduction Genus Lepus Species americanus Lives in forest areas Lives in mid west US also Weighs 3-4 pounds Larger than other rabbits 85% wild of snowshoe hares don’t live longer than a year

23 Description 15-20 inches long Fur on the bottom of feet White helps it camouflage in winter

24 Behaviors Run 27 mph Jump 10 feet high Swim to escape enemies Moves round grass lands in Summer Solitary Active Spend great deal of time grooming Long naps Like dust baths to remove “ectoparasites” from fur

25 Food Plants Bark Twigs Buds Forbs Bluegrass Brome Ever greens vetches

26 Food (continued) asters jewelweed wild strawberry pussy-toes dandelions clovers daisies horsetails birches Willows

27 Reproduction and Young Breeding season March-August Gestation lasts 36 days Has 2-8 young at a time Young are called “Litter”

28 Bibliography

29 Liger Common Name Scientific Name Liger (no official scientific name)

30 Introduction Cross between a male lion and a female tiger They may inherit a mane from the lion parent some adult lions keep faint markings on their mane These markings may be black, dark brown or sandy The background color may be yellowish-brown, sandy or golden their under parts are pale The actual pattern and color depends on which breed their parents were Eat all kinds of meat

31 Description tiger-like striping pattern lion-like yellowish- brown fur black, dark brown and sandy markings Under parts are pale

32 Breeding FatherMotherResults LionTigerLiger LionLigerLi-liger TigerLigerTi-liger

33 The Call

34 Bibliography

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