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Data Archive Centres. Data Archive Centres (DACs) The MEDIN DAC Network Objective : Curate Upload and Retrieve Data SearchableExpertise Seabed and sub-seabed.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Archive Centres. Data Archive Centres (DACs) The MEDIN DAC Network Objective : Curate Upload and Retrieve Data SearchableExpertise Seabed and sub-seabed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Archive Centres

2 Data Archive Centres (DACs) The MEDIN DAC Network Objective : Curate Upload and Retrieve Data SearchableExpertise Seabed and sub-seabed geology, geophysics Marine flora, fauna and habitats Water column oceanography Bathymetry Marine meteorology (metocean) Marine historic environment Marine fisheries

3 Life before MEDIN OCEANOG RAPHY ? ? ? > 100 holders of marine data and information in the UK

4 Life after MEDIN OCEANOG RAPHY ? ? ? MEDIN Data Archive Centres

5 Costs/funding “Core” DAC Capability is directly supported by individual organisations with strategic interest in supporting DACs for specific data themes. Data Archiving Costs for new data supported by the data providers. These should be factored into the project costs at the beginning. Data Retrieval Costs: Data retrieval is free.

6 Data Holdings 113,852 Name No of data sets held New data sets archived in 2012-13 No. of Requests for Data in 2012- 13 British Oceanographic Data Centre 98324072,205 British Geological Survey67577~100 DASSH1973378113,852 Met Office44Not recorded United Kingdom Hydrographic Office 6501216 Historical Environment DAC112917,170

7 Metocean DAC Met Office Climate Database (1874-present) Marine Meteorology data from - Marine Automatic Weather Stations (buoys, light vessels, remote islands,..) - Voluntary Observing Ships - Royal Navy Met Observations - Rigs and Platforms Access: Met Office Customer Centre or Web Access to real time data (last 24 hours). > 6 million new observations/year

8 Oceanography DAC Physical Chemical Biological National and international responsibilities. Access: BODC enquiries or Online > 85,500 blocks of data from 148 organisations web searchable & downloadable Water Column Data

9 Marine Species and Habitat DAC Species point Habitat point and polygon Imagery data (still and video) Promote MEDIN data guidelines for efficient archiving. Access: Direct contact or Online > 2 million records

10 Historic Environment DAC Survey data from: Wrecks submerged landscapes etc ADS accredited English Heritage Royal Commission on Ancient and Historic Monuments Scotland/Wales Access: Direct Contact or Online To follow

11 FishDAC – a “Virtual DAC” (AFBI to follow) Fish Shellfish Fisheries Related data Focus on EU mandated surveys Searchable View & Download to follow where applicable

12 Contact the most relevant Data Archive Centre They will be responsible for sending any data onwards to other data centres. Practicalities

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