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Historical Linguistics 1. Sound Change 2. Morphological Change 3. Syntactic Change 4. Semantic Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Linguistics 1. Sound Change 2. Morphological Change 3. Syntactic Change 4. Semantic Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Linguistics 1. Sound Change 2. Morphological Change 3. Syntactic Change 4. Semantic Change

2 2. Morphological Change Old English cow (sg), kine (pl) –alternation stone (sg), stones (pl) –suffixation of [z] Change: cow, cows –suffixation of [z]

3 Proportional Analogy => Generalization of a relationship a:b::c:x Relationship = N:N+[-z] stone:stones ::cow:cows

4 Regular > Irregular (suffixation > alternation) Older form: dive (Pres), dived (Past) drive:drove::dive:dove

5 Relationship is the key. Verbs sing:sang:sung ring:rang:rung bring:brang:brung –(overgeneralization in children’s speech) But not nouns king(sg):kang(pl)

6 Paradigm Leveling Latin Rhotacism /s/ > [r] / V_V rūsal > rural opesa > opera corposeal > corporeal Remnants of [s]: rustic, opus, corpus

7 Paradigm Leveling => Reduce irregularity created by regular sound change Rhotacized Nom:honos> honos Gen:honos-is> honor-is Acc:honos-em> honor-em

8 Paradigm Leveled Nom:honos> honor Gen:honos-is> honor-is Acc:honos-em> honor-em

9 3. Syntactic Change Old English OV order in embedded and coordinate clauses S andEraclyussona andEraclyusimmediately OV hisswurdateah hissworddrew

10 English Word Order Change: SOV > SVO Phrase structure rules: S = NP VP VP = NP V>VP = V NP

11 Old English verb movement in main clauses AdvV þāongeat thenperceived SO secyningþæt. thekingthat

12 Phrase Structure Rules S = NP Aux VP VP = NP V S’ = _ S Movement Move V to _ in [ S’ _ S]


14 S’ VS NPVP _NP perceived the king that

15 Old English: Move V to _ in [ S’ _ S] Modern English Questions Move Aux to _ in [ S’ _ S] She has left. Has she left?

16 S’ _S NP AuxVP she hasleft

17 S’ AuxS NP __VP has she left

18 Modern English: Aux movement only Did she leave? *Left she. => Insert auxiliary verb

19 Old > Modern English 1. Head-final VP > Head-initial VP (VP = NP V > VP = V NP) 2. Move V to _ in [ S’ _ S] > Move Aux to _ in [ S’ _ S]

20 4. Semantic Change Extension (Widening) dog, bird –specific type > general class salary < salārium (Lat) –‘allotment of salt’ > ‘wages’

21 Reduction (Narrowing) hound, fowl –general class > specific type deer –‘animal’ > specific type of animal girl –‘child’ > ‘female child’

22 Metaphorical Extension broadcast < ‘spread seeds’ French feuille –‘leaf’ > ‘sheet of paper’ Spanish firma –‘fix, make firm’ > ‘signature’

23 Elevation knight < ‘youth’, ‘servant’ Japanese samurai < saburafu ‘to serve’ pretty < ‘crafty, sly’ nice < ‘foolish’

24 Degredation spinster < ‘one who spins’ villain < French ‘farm worker’ disease < ‘discomfort’

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