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Welcome to Advertising! Reciprocity Commitment/Consistency Liking Social Proof/Consensus Authority Scarcity.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Advertising! Reciprocity Commitment/Consistency Liking Social Proof/Consensus Authority Scarcity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Advertising! Reciprocity Commitment/Consistency Liking Social Proof/Consensus Authority Scarcity

2 Classifying Advertisements Geographical: local, national, global Target Group:  consumer – products designed for household use  industrial – products designed for the buyers for industries  trade – sold to wholesalers or retailers  professional – products where consumer is not responsible for the choice (ex. pharmaceuticals)

3 The Basic Pitch: the fingertip formula Attention getting Confidence building Desire stimulating Urgency stressing (note: soft sell) Response seeking

4 Words Used and What We Get free (Economy) only (Economy) less than (Economy) really works (Efficiency) exciting new (Activity / Novelty) fast acting (Rapidity / Efficiency) take advantage of (Economy) sale (Economy) greatest (Quality) most (Quantity) classic (Stability) easy (Simplicity) practical (Utility) beautiful (Beauty)

5 What can we get from ads? If we seek such benefits, then expect persuaders to promise them. In exchange, of course, for giving them money or power.

6 Faulty Claims in Ads Weasel words: helps control, it's like, virtually, up to, the look of, improved, best, greatest...and more.  Listerine fights bad breath?  Hershey's goodness hasn't changed?  It gives you wings? Unfinished claims:  It gives you more.  You can be sure?

7 Faulty Claims in Ads We're different/unique  there's nothing else like it. Obviously (sells based on obvious product trait)  water is wet So what? (yes, but what difference does it make?)  "Strong enough for a man but made for a woman."

8 Faulty Claims in Ads the vague claim  "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should." Endorsement/testimonial  Julia Roberts for AOL  John Goodman for Dunkin Donuts Scientific/statistical claim  "Easy-Off has 33% more cleaning power than another popular brand." Compliment the Consumer The rhetorical question

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