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By: Amanda McGinn Valued Opinions. Overview In this powerpoint presentation, we will be examining: ~ a psychic experience and it’s results ~ the value.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Amanda McGinn Valued Opinions. Overview In this powerpoint presentation, we will be examining: ~ a psychic experience and it’s results ~ the value."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Amanda McGinn Valued Opinions

2 Overview In this powerpoint presentation, we will be examining: ~ a psychic experience and it’s results ~ the value of other people’s opinions ~ are the opinions of others even right? At the end of this powerpoint, a conclusion will be established about why we care what other people think, and if those thoughts are even correct.

3 My Questions Why do other people’s opinions affect our decision-making process? Why do we care so much about what other people think? And most importantly, can one psychic visit make one completely change the way they go about life?

4 Introduction An opinion is defined as a view, a judgement or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter.

5 Why did I choose this topic? The questions stated in the previous slide are questions that cross my mind almost daily. I have found myself listening more to what other people think about my physique, who I’m into at school, how I act about a situation, etc. Lately, I have been sitting here thinking, are they right? Why do I care what people think? How come it influences my decisions?

6 What do you think? I was curious if these thoughts crossed others’ minds too, so I decided to interview four subjects and ask them about three different, likely scenarios where other people’s opinions might have an affect on their decision.

7 Scenario #1 You are out at a party and everyone is drinking beer. You don’t necessarily like beer, and you feel out of the loop because you’re the only one not drinking it. The people at the party make comments to you about it. Do their opinions matter to you? Would you change what you are drinking? Danielle said yes Kristin said no Kelli said yes Hanna said yes Danielle, Kelli and Hanna all agreed during their interview that they don’t want to feel out of place and judged by their friends at the party. Kristin said she likes herself the way she is and wouldn’t change for anyone.

8 Scenario #2 You really want to go to school to major in art & music. Both of your parents went to law school. Your parents want you to follow in their footsteps and believe that if you choose any other path, your future would not be as fulfilling as it could be. This is something you have had to hear for many years. It is now time to apply for college, do you follow in their footsteps or follow your dreams and upset your parents? Kelli, Hanna, Danielle and Kristin all agreed that is important to follow your dreams. They also agreed that your parents will always support you decisions and love you in the end and would really want what is best.

9 Scenario #3 Have you ever decided to go on a diet? When does that thought usually cross your mind? After you read an article about losing weight, or “get that beach body ready!” and seeing picture of fit people? Why do you think we value the opinion most people have that being skinny is better? Are they right? Kristin believes that diets aren’t real and that they are only temporary and in her eyes do not work, therefore, other people’s opinions about diets does not influence her decision. Kelli, Hanna and Danielle all agree that they go on a diet when summer is near. They said that after reading articles in Seventeen magazine and seeing clothes at the stores and the skinny models they use for ads makes them rethink their body and decide that the opinion most have of being skinny is for the better is correct.

10 Reasons Why There are multiple reasons why people care about what others think of them. These reasons include: ~ we don’t want to disappoint someone ~ we want to fit in ~ we have the mind set that being different is seen in a negative way ~ we want to be accepted, validated and loved

11 What do these results prove? The results from the previous scenarios prove that we are most likely to let other people’s opinions influence our choices in life. That we value other people’s opinions higher than our own. At first glance, philosophers believe that the decision making process is based on rational and emotional thoughts. After looking into the book How We Decide, authored by Jonah Lehrer, it showed me that that is not the exact way the mind works. Our decisions, depending on the situation, are a combination of reason and what we feel. “The soul was seen as conflicted, torn between reason and emotion” (Lehrer, 10).

12 The Next Step What if the opinions people have about us are true? What if we listen to them and our life changes for the better? But does someone really know that much about us in order for that to happen? After thinking about this, I decided to go visit a psychic. I wanted to see if anything she told (if it was indeed real, as they say) changed how I spent the next few weeks of my life.

13 My Thought Process I have to admit, I was pretty nervous to go see a psychic. For a while, I didn’t believe in psychics and thought they were all fake. As Shaffer says in his article about psychics, regarding two in particular, Dewey and Sky, most psychics extract information from the subject, and how to feed it back to them as new information. My sister and her friend went to this same woman and a lot of what she said about them, what happened in their past, and even an incident that happened after they visited that ended up coming true, made me not want to go. After a while, I grew a pair and decided to go. As stated in the article, many people go to clients looking for answers. I didn’t go looking for any answers, just for the fun of what the psychic was going to tell me. I went to The Enchanted Path located in Coventry and had my reading done by Penny.

14 My Visit I was lucky enough to get a full recording of my visit with the psychic. In my presentation I have included audio clips of my visit. Hopefully they work! In the beginning, a lot of what she told me was about my personality and how I react to situations and how I am as a person. She was right about a lot of what she said, but I think that was more of a scientific assumption, based on astrological reasonings than what she actually “knew”. At this point I was still doubtful to what she said was real. It wasn’t until she started talking about things from my past that made me think this could be more real than I thought. She brought up situations about my ex and asked about certain objects he gave me while we were dating. The whole time I was thinking, how did she know?!

15 My Reaction #1 Some of the situations she told me about were personal, dealing with a family situation, but the psychic told me it would have a positive ending. That changed the way I have made decisions over the past few weeks. What she said put my mind at ease and as a result I haven’t let anything get to me. Although she may not be correct about the situation, I like to think that she is because I am less stressed.

16 My Reaction #2 Penny, the psychic, asked me question at the beginning that blew my mind. Thinking about it now, though, this really could apply to anyone. She asked me “Where are you working that you hate?” I was working at Dunkin’ Donuts, 4 a.m shifts every Saturday morning, as well as other shifts throughout the week. She told me I needed to get out of there, I would be better off. I decided to listen to her, even though my own opinion was that I should suck it up because I needed the money, but I have been better off since then and have been able to concentrate on my school work more, which is very important.

17 My Reaction #3 For some reason, the psychic talked a lot about relationships to me. One thing she said in particular is that I won’t be getting serious with anyone anytime soon and that I’ll go on a lot of dates. I have met a lot of people lately, but in the back of my head have been telling myself that none of them will end up serious because of what she told me. I’m not sure if she is right but her opinion has definitely influenced my decisions.

18 Right or wrong? Personal Thoughts Is it right to value other people’s opinions higher than our own? In the society we live in today, maybe many people think yes; we all have a yearning to be accepted and well liked, and to guide ourselves towards the “right” thing. But is it actually right? My personal opinion is no. We are all born as an individual with our own personal thoughts and opinions and that is what makes a person different. Alyssa Siegel, author of a column out of Psychology Today magazine states it perfectly: “To be alive is to let yourself be present; to feel your feelings, to discover and embrace whatever you are, and to share it with others along the way.” We look to others for an answer to the correct way to do things, even to psychics. “We look everywhere, absolutely everywhere, but not inside ourselves” (Siegel, 1).

19 Stop and Think My personal thoughts on the decision-making process is to stop and think before letting someone else’s opinions influence the decision you are about to make. Will listening to another person’s opinion make you happier? It could go either way, but personally, as cliché as it sounds, listen to your heart.

20 Be- YOU - tiful We are all born as beautiful individuals, we all have that one person who is going to love us for us, therefore don’t be afraid to value your own opinion’s higher than everyone else’s. Your own opinion’s matter most. If you want to continue drinking your drink instead of switching to beer, do so! If you want to attend college for art & music instead of following in your parents’ footsteps because it makes you happier, do so!

21 Get Strong Bro! Here is a closing thoughts video posted by GetStrongBro

22 Final Thoughts! I know it’s all easier said than done, but after researching this topic and experiencing a psychic visit, my final thoughts about it all are: ~ take risks ~ live without fear ~ put your own opinions first ~ do what will make you happiest, even if others may have judgement about it

23 Psychic Visit I couldn’t cut the clip so I included the whole visit. It’s over an hour long, please don’t feel pressured to listen to the whole thing! The beginning in itself is pretty interesting. Enjoy! P.S - the little girl she is talking to is her granddaughter

24 Sources http://www.merriam- do-we-care-what-people-think arning-to-think-for-ourselves/

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