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Status Norway: The Norwegian measure database and cost-benefit Hilde B. Keilen, Climate and Pollution Agency, Norway.

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Presentation on theme: "Status Norway: The Norwegian measure database and cost-benefit Hilde B. Keilen, Climate and Pollution Agency, Norway."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status Norway: The Norwegian measure database and cost-benefit Hilde B. Keilen, Climate and Pollution Agency, Norway

2 Chart of organization of WFD implementation in Norway

3 Vann-Nett Local districts (105) – will compile information  all sector authorities NGO County Governor Other Regional authorities Measure database; 1 st.release RBMP PoM

4  A key system for integrated management of knowledge  A tool for preparation of the River basin Management Plans (RBMPs) and Programs of Measures (PoMs )  Facilitate reporting from Norway to the European WISE system.European WISE system The Norwegian Water Information System (Vann-Nett)

5 Autumn 2012 datainput: Fase 1 Tiltaksbiblioteket

6 2013 Winter: Data input: Fase 2 Tiltaksbiblioteket

7 Fase 3 – data som skal inn i Tiltaksbiblioteket

8 Cost-benefit- preliminary still a subject to discuss and resolve

9  Participation in the River Basin Management planning The preparation of the River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) and Program of Measures (PoM) is a collaborative exercise in the District Water Board, chaired by the Competent Authority. This involvement of all sector authorities in the whole process of characterization, classification, setting of objectives and prioritizing is intended to facilitate increasing sector integration, allowing for the final RBMP to be a product that has the backing of the whole District Water Board. Each District Water Board also has a District Reference Group providing for the public participation of industry associations, NGOs and civil society in general. Public consultation of important documents during the process also ensures the information and allows for the participation of the general public

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