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John Heritage Director of Development Losing it all in Translation!

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1 John Heritage Director of Development Losing it all in Translation!


3 raising the standard in mental health Where to start? Some observations Making Space Engaging with the Third Sector and making rhetoric a reality

4 raising the standard in mental health The landscape 35,000 HSC Third Sector providers; 1,600 estimated to enter the market in the next 5 years; Annual spend £12bn; 70% report not tendering in a 12 month period; Perception issues from provider and commissioner about capacity; 59% of organisations are committed to growth: 11 – 20%; Potential £1bn increase in 1 year of third sector delivery ‘DH Third Sector Market Mapping, February 2007

5 raising the standard in mental health Making Space 25 years old providing Mental Health services across England; 7,000 users of service each day: Clinical Services; Residential Care; Supported Housing; Day & Employment Services; Family Services; Innovative

6 raising the standard in mental health Our approach Proactive relationship with commissioners; Outcome focus; Social added value with clearly articulated business benefit; Price sensitivity; Can do approach; Rigorous Governance procedures; Quality and ‘customer’ experience; Partnership approach in statutory & third sectors

7 raising the standard in mental health Mis-conceptions The Third Sector lack of financial rigour; ability to deliver?; marginal services; fuzzy!!! Commissioning it’s a ‘dark art’ cost not value driven process; resource availability unclear; are they serious…..

8 raising the standard in mental health More like the reality The Third Sector high quality providers; range of services; added value; social inclusion and recovery focused; Outcome approach Commissioning increased transparency; increasing numbers of third sector providers commissioned; True contestability in the market 6/10 could do better!

9 raising the standard in mental health Rhetoric to reality…. Full cost recovery - MHPF: 30% don’t receive it; 30% get it from some & 30% get it from most; Greater understanding and greater collaboration Joined up approach: Health, Social Care, SP; System movement: procurement/red tape; Make the process as transparent as possible – indicate resource; Jointly plan provision with providers; Don’t place artificial limitations on what the sector can deliver

10 raising the standard in mental health The consequences of getting it wrong Small providers go to the wall; Third Sector providers continue delivering marginal services; Private Sector providers dominate the market; More of the same; A real chance to see the system move

11 And finally...a shameless plug raising the standard in mental health The Mental Health Providers Forum

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